Volgens de meestal goed geinformeerde website Cargo facts is de EIS (Entry into Service) van de A350F vertraagt tot tweede helft 2027.
Zie :
https://cargofacts.com/allposts/freight ... o-h2-2027/
En bovendien hier het net vandaag gepubliceerde Airbus Jaaroverzicht 2024 :
https://www.airbus.com/en/newsroom/pres ... 24-results
"Specific supply chain challenges, notably with Spirit AeroSystems, are currently putting pressure on the ramp up of the A350 and the A220. On the A350, the Company continues to target rate 12 in 2028 and is adjusting the entry-into-service of the A350 freighter variant which is now expected in H2 2027."
On a twin, you're always one engine failure from a total emergency.