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It seems that this lens is very popular among aviation photographers. Warthog64 is publishing great shots here with his 100-400. Also Delta12 seems to be very happy. On the other hand, I’ve read (on EOSDigitaal) that Kleintje Pils has had about the same experience as I and had gone from a 100-400 to a 300mm f4 (+ 1.4 TC occassionaly)
Having had experiences with two different 100-400mm's, on a 10D and on a 30D, I was never satisfied with the sharpness above the 300+ range. I had occasionally good shots, but most times I was disappointed with the results. No matter what AF, ISO, or IS settings (or combination) I tried. Also supported shots where often soft at 300-400mm. But on a 10D/30D the effictive focal lenght (yes, I know this is not exactly true) will be 640mm, and i found it difficult to hold steady or panning allong a moving subject.
I must admit that compared coming from a 70-200 and the 300mm IS (both f4), I was spoiled as these lenses are about the sharpest in the sub $ 3500,- ranges (so not talking about the big 300/400mm f2,8 guns

Recently I bought a 300mm f4 IS again and compared them sideby side @ 300mm. First thing that I noticed was the 100-400 was having an aperture of 5,6 at 270mm upwards. Ofcource the 100-400 won the contest in the 100-299mm range and the 301-400mm range. But at 300mm wow ! Especially in some real life shooting like tracking objects. I try to publish these results on my site (if i can find the time). maybe 300x1.6 is my fysical limit.
Just to day I sold the 100-400 to an 5D owner with a clear explanation of ‘my’ problems and it turned out that on his camera this lens was great, even at wide open 400mm. (Of course this camera is in a different league (ff + better AF).)
So my I’m back from where my journey started. Canon 300mm (+1,4TC)-> Canon100-400mm -> Sigma 120-300 (+1,4TC)-> Sigma 100-300mm (+1,4TC)(was better than 120-300 !) -> Canon100-400mm -> Canon 300mm.
Anybody willing to share their experiences ? Roel, Remco ?
BTW It is like many other things in life; Size doesnot matter, it is what you do with it. But on other occassions size does matter