on October the 09th and 10th I also made the strength-sapping and hard way up to the Axalp to join this years "Fliegerschiessen"
Here are some impressions which make the exertions of the way up and down to be forgotten:
Swiss Air Force F-5E Tiger (J-3079) turning:

Swiss Air Force F/A-18C Hornet (J-5013) turning:

Swiss Air Force F-5E Tiger (J-3044) is firing on a target:
(Check out the bullets!!!)

Swiss Air Force F-5E Tiger (J-3044) simply flying there:

Swiss Air Force F-5E Tiger (J-3067) is firing a burst:

Condens trails...

Again the Swiss Air Force F-5E Tiger (J-3044) doing a fire burst:

Do we already have christmas?

Swiss Air Force Cougar (T-341) flying a display:

At last again condens trails...this time from a Tiger what is not seen often:

I hope you like this little assorted samples...you can find more pictures and informations about the Axalp firing range on my website here...
Comments are welcome...