MyOneOFour wrote:Josti Band Topic?? This is fun !! They had a really good group at Soesterberg at the time. Just like our group in Twenthe / Hopsten. Those were the days. I think you're just jealous because you weren't part of such a group. And remember that a lot of those guys are still around and became respectable photographers/spotters. We were the founding fathers of the way spotting is conducted nowadays so to speak.Spine24 wrote:Kan dit Josti Band Topic ook naar het Praathuis?
Heeft niets met luchtvaart te maken!

Fighter pilots against spotters!
Was great fun playing against the fighter pilots you saw flying every day in their 104's and later F-16's!
Sad thing is some are not amongst us anymore, both pilots and spotters.
Me yalous at those SSB guys? NO WAY!
Every time we played against/with them was great fun! Only that f@cking beer for fl 0,25 cents stood in our way! [Well sometimes]
And off the record: those groups still exists here at LWD!
Only thing what frustrates me when I see those Josti Bands guys is that they spoiled it for us here at LWD!
[And I dont say it's one of those people on the photographs, but it may be!]
And indeed those were the days!