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Post by Redskin »

EHAM wrote: * Why can't the fire extinguisher be placed behind the aircraft? That is less ugly than in front of the a/c. Or is there a reason why this can't be done?
Why the complaining about these extinguishers (not personal EHAM).. How ugly the might look, they are present at ANY flightline so why not at a static line.
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Post by Guinness »

When you saw the F-15C on the static line you know exactly why the fire-extinguisers are there :wink:

The plane was leaking ( or let say "pissing" ) fuel from the starboard side.

The Irish where about to park their PC-9M underneath it for some free fuel :lol:

Again, the airshow is mostly for the "taxpayers" but when you look at the line-up the BAD realy took care of the spotters as well !!

The IAC will be at Volkel next year ( hopefully :wink: )

C U all there !!!!!!!!

Guinness 8)
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Post by topgun1984 »

I think they are gonna be there or are you not going next year ;)?
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Post by EHAM »

topgun1984 wrote:
EHAM wrote: * Why can't the fire extinguisher be placed behind the aircraft? That is less ugly than in front of the a/c. Or is there a reason why this can't be done?

because of safety regulations and was mentioned already in this topic
Of course for safety, but I think most fire risks are the engines and they are (usually :lol: ) at the back. So my thought was, why were the extinguishers placed in the front where no engine is.
But I'm not an expert so there shall be a reason why it's placed at the front :wink: .
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Post by jb5 »

EHAM wrote:
topgun1984 wrote:
EHAM wrote: * Why can't the fire extinguisher be placed behind the aircraft? That is less ugly than in front of the a/c. Or is there a reason why this can't be done?

because of safety regulations and was mentioned already in this topic
Of course for safety, but I think most fire risks are the engines and they are (usually :lol: ) at the back. So my thought was, why were the extinguishers placed in the front where no engine is.
But I'm not an expert so there shall be a reason why it's placed at the front :wink: .
If a fire starts at the end of the plane and the fire extinguisher is there too, I advise you to run away :wink:
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Post by Guinness »


Thanks for the warning JB5

I hope the "Breoasla na- hEirrain" was well appreciated :wink:

Next year I'll bring some more "green stuff"

C U there,

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Post by bombhead »

This was my first visit to Klu Open Day.

To the organisers,participents and the people of Holland, I say " Thankyou very much ".

I can't see how people can complain,when the show is " FREE ".
You won't see a free show in the UK.

I can't wait for next year.
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Post by topgun1984 »

Guinness wrote::rofl2:

Thanks for the warning JB5

I hope the "Breoasla na- hEirrain" was well appreciated :wink:

Next year I'll bring some more "green stuff"

C U there,

Guinness 8)

:grumble: STILL WAITING ON MINE :twisted: :grumble:
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Re: Comments

Post by CDN Aviator »

medebruijn wrote:and I consider the CP140 Aurora as a remarkable visitor!
Well thank you, it was an amazing oportunity for us to be there.
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Post by CDN Aviator »

Guinness wrote::rofl2:

I hope the "Breoasla na- hEirrain" was well appreciated :wink:
It certainly was. In fact i managed to bring home the bottle without breaking it.
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Post by Guinness »

Yeah right there CDN aviator.

I'll keep you to your promise about the "moose milk" there , buddy :wink:

Thanks for the pics ( I've send u a few as well ) and I'll meet up with you in Canada early next year.


Guinness :cheers:
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Post by ursa_major »

Crizz wrote::( and I did not even got the oppertunity to taste the green stuff.
Maybe not, but you got a delivery of real beer though, didn't you? ;)
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Post by jerre »

I'm rather suprised that some of you call it 'waardeloos'.

I was a nice event and enjoyed it very much. The organization was perfect. I came by train from Groningen, and I have never had such an easy trip from and to an airshow.

The programme/static itself was not very 'exotic' but it was very enjoyable. In my opinion, a true aviation enthousiast must be able to enjoy all kinds of aircraft.

I did not quite like the commentators. But you need much more than that to ruin an airshow for me. (FYI: I was in Ostend in 1997 when that Royal Jordanian Extra 300 crashed into the crowd. That is far more worse than a bad commentator or a fire extinguisher near the static.)

So, big :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: for jb5 and his colleagues.
I'm already looking forward to the Open Dagen 2009.


Jeroen (Brussels, Belgium)
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Post by EHAM »

Another tip/question.
Why wasn't there a display team parked at the static show just like the Blue Angels in 2006? Would love it if you do that the next time.

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Post by jb5 »

EHAM wrote:Another tip/question.
Why wasn't there a display team parked at the static show just like the Blue Angels in 2006? Would love it if you do that the next time.

That was because we needed the parking space for some big aircraft, which were been canceld at the last minute. Thanks for your tip.
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