KLM callsigns

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KLM callsigns

Post by Ger »

Just seen in Scramble 350 an article about Aphanumerical callsings in use by KLM and noticed on Google Earth (vliegtuigmonitor) today a new callsign in use:
"KLM21M" in use by an A330 PH-AOK. Cannot tell you to which Trans Atlantic destination.

Rgds, Ger

p.s. did you know when on Google Earth (vliegtuigmotor) an aircraft is above 4000 mtr and you click on the aircraft, the registration is shown in a seperate screen and even photos van be looked at?
Facebook Group: Schiphol Spotters - Aviation Photography
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KLM OAC Callsigns

Post by Robin »


The reason why KLM changed their OAC callsigns is that on one very early morning I had six KLM aircraft all eastbound routing through my (within minutes of each other) sector from the Ocean, all ending in 1.

Callsign confusion is a dangerous issue, especially, when its so easy for a wrong aircraft to take another-ones decent etc.

Hence I filed against KLM for callsign confussion, for safety reasons.

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