Well, time for an update, Aviodrome thought yesterdayevening

The bad news:
About the swiss crew: Negotiations have been on, almost finalised, but when the swiss showed their papers, their ratings showed a remark that it was/is only valid for HB-... registered aircraft, so that option was off then.
About the aircraft: After a successful test during the day (not only on the Connie, also on a computer, for who was there

), at night engine #3 failed to start due to no fuel-pressure (:uhuh: engine #3, sounds familiar to me, doesn't it?). An educated guess is that they want to check and solve this first, before a first flight will be undertaken. This flight will not happen this year anyway, according to Aviodrome.
The good news:
The FAA is running a program where examinors may check-out crews for aircraft that are comparable to aircraft they are current for, as long as there are just a few left flying for the first mentioned type. This should give five people that can check out the crew. All five have been contacted already.