A morning at Gils the 17th of octobre...

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Post by mitchell »

Your shots are awesome purple, is this from a whole day or just 1 hour or so?
▪ Canon EOS 350D + BG-E3
▪ Canon EF-S 18-55mm f3.5-5.6
▪ Canon EF-S 55-250mm f4-5.6 IS
▪ Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
▪ Canon 50mm f/1.8 II *New*

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jimmy van drunen
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Post by jimmy van drunen »

YES, Canon 400D :wink:
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Post by topgun1984 »

ow please.... not a canon :P :roll: ;)
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Post by Purple »

mitchell wrote:Your shots are awesome purple, is this from a whole day or just 1 hour or so?
Thnx, i was there between 0930 and 1230. In that period i saw a cougar, an apache, a chinook and again a cougar. They all do there exersize for about 5 a 10mins right infront of you...

Grtz :king:
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jimmy van drunen
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Post by jimmy van drunen »

They all do there exersize for about 5 a 10mins right infront of you...

Indeed :!:
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Post by kiwi »

Man I can't wait to check Gils out myself!! Daily activities look immense compared to what we were used to at Soesty the last years..
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Post by Redskin301 »

kiwi wrote:Man I can't wait to check Gils out myself!! Daily activities look immense compared to what we were used to at Soesty the last years..
They did probably the same excersizes overthere, but not that close to the fence i think :wink:
Regards Alex van Noye,

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Post by kiwi »

Redskin301 wrote:
kiwi wrote:Man I can't wait to check Gils out myself!! Daily activities look immense compared to what we were used to at Soesty the last years..
They did probably the same excersizes overthere, but not that close to the fence i think :wink:
You're probably right. Things like slope landings and pinnacle landings were done at the Vlasakkers, where you can't even see the training area. But also the combination of Chinooks, Cougars, Alouettes AND Apaches appeals to me can't wait for the NH90 TTH's, can't even imagine what a day Gils would be like then!!
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