ETAR 26-01-2009

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ETAR 26-01-2009

Post by scotmil70 »

Expected are the following

RCH7044 (70044) C5B
RRR1409 B146 RAF
RCH6036 (60036) KC10A
DUKE12 (50123) UC35

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Re: ETAR 26/01/09

Post by Hans »

From Stafhunter;
Short log 08:30u-11:30u next will follow later

50+71 C -160D
ZE701 Bae146
69-0019 C-5A
87-0036 C-5B
161529 C-9B
.... C-12U
86-0036 KC-10
90-0535 C-17A
97-0046 C-17A
97-0047 C-17A
02-1109 C-17A
02-1112 C-17A
03-3125 C-17A
05-5141 C-17A
06-6168 C-17A
84-0083 C-21A
95-0123 UC-35A
02-0042 C-40B
74-1666 C-130H
92-3281 C-130H
92-3283 C-130H
61-0309 KC-135R
62-3554 KC-135R
N304WL DC-10
N403LC L-100
N707CK B-747

10x /RS C-130H

Cheers Eric & Egbert
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Re: ETAR 26-01-2009

Post by Hans »

again from Stafhunter;
Log 2 12:30u-15:15u

87-0042 C-5B
01-0192 C-17A
03-3120 C-17A
04-4130 C-17A
044133 C-17A
04-4136 C-17A
07-7172 C-17A

90-0827/SP F-16CJ

Cheers Eric & Egbert
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Re: ETAR 26-01-2009

Post by Elmar »

some c/s:

Rch131 C5 (87-0042)
Rch157 C17 (03-3125)
Rch245 C17 (01-0186)
Rch559 C17 (04-4130)
Rch911 C17 (03-3120)
Rch4136 C17 (04-4136)
Rch6036 KC10 (86-0036)
Rch7172 C17 (07-7172)

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Re: ETAR 26-01-2009

Post by USAFE »

C-9 left as convoy at around 1700 local.
15 min later the gaf c-160 left.
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Re: ETAR 26-01-2009

Post by Eric van Lisdonk »


Did you have the full callsign from this C-9??
We saw them parked at ramp4 the whole day.

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Re: ETAR 26-01-2009

Post by USAFE »

No, sorry...
Rene Peteri
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Re: ETAR 26-01-2009

Post by Rene Peteri »

I Think the C9 is inbound Ramstein again at this moment :wink:
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Re: ETAR 26-01-2009

Post by Eric van Lisdonk »

Hi all,

Here is the full log from yesterday.
In order of flying:

00h01 arr C-5A 69-0019 164AW/TN ANG Reach9019
06h10 arr C-17A 06-6168 436AW Reach402
06h20 arr KC-135R 62-3554 22ARW Reach240
06h23 dep C-130H 73-1597 317AG Lion420
06h28 arr C-17A 05-5141 452AMW/AFRC Reach182
06h45 arr B-747 N523MC Atlas Giant8584
07h05 arr C-17A 97-0046 437AW Reach440
07h13 arr C-17A 02-1112 172AW/MS ANG Reach648
07h40 dep C-130E 63-7897/RS 37AS Herky05
08h29 dep C-21A 84-0083 76AS Jalop58
08h35 arr C-12U 84-0163 E/6-52AVN Duke95
08h44 arr C-160D 50+71 LTG63 JGZ61
08h53 arr KC-10A 86-0036 305AMW Reach6036
08h54 arr DC-10 N304WL World
09h00 dep C-130E 68-10935/RS 37AS Herky70 flight
09h00 dep C-130E 72-1299/RS 37AS Herky70 flight
09h11 dep C-12U 84-0163 E/6-52AVN Duke95
10h00 arr C-17A 97-0047 437AW Reach944
10h09 dep C-160D 50+71 LTG63 JGZ61
10h10 dep DC-10 N304WL World Reach759
10h31 arr UH-60A ......... SHAPE SHAPE 5
10h40 dep UH-60A ......... SHAPE SHAPE 5
10h46 arr C-130E 63-7897/RS 37AS Herky05
10h49 arr C-17A 03-3125 305AMW Reach157
10h53 arr UC-35A 95-0123 F/6-52AVN Duke12
10h55 arr C-130E 68-10935/RS 37AS Herky70 flight
10h56 arr C-130E 72-1299/RS 37AS Herky70 flight
11h00 dep C-130E 68-10935/RS 37AS Herky71
11h03 dep C-130E 72-1299/RS 37AS Herky72
11h18 arr C-21A 84-0083 76AS Jalop58
11h22 dep C-21A 84-0085 76AS Jalop57
11h30 arr B-747 N707CK Kalitta Conny417
11h37 arr BAe146 ZE701 32(TR)sqn Ascot1409
11h38 dep B-747 N523MC Atlas Giant8585
12h08 arr C-17A 03-3120 62AW Reach911
12h12 arr C-17A 04-4133 305AMW Reach594
12h25 arr C-130E 68-10935/RS 37AS Herky71
12h29 dep UC-35A 95-0123 F/6-52AVN Duke12
12h32 dep BAe146 ZE701 32(TR)sqn Ascot1409
12h56 dep C-40B 02-0042 76AS Hook40
12h58 l/a F-16CJ 90-0827/SP 22FS Pistol4
13h03 arr C-130E 72-1299/RS 37AS Herky72
13h08 dep DC-10 N138WA World Reach724
13h46 arr C-17A 01-0192 437AW Reach960
14h15 arr C-17A 04-4136 305AMW Reach4136
14h35 arr C-17A 04-4130 305AMW Reach559
14h40 arr C-5B 87-0042 60AMW Reach131
15h09 arr C-17A 07-7172 60AMW Reach7172
15h24 arr C-130E 63-7792/RS 37AS Reach889
15h40 arr C-160D 50+71 LTG63 JGZ61
15h54 dep C-17A 97-0046 437AW Reach7046
16h00 arr C-40B 02-0042 76AS Hook40
16h04 dep B-747 N707CK Kalitta Reach862
17h00 dep C-9B 161529 VR-46 Convoy....
17h11 dep C-160D 50+71 LTG63 JGZ61
17h14 dep C-20H 92-0375 76AS Sooner01
17h36 arr C-17A 01-0186 62AW Reach245
18h13 dep C-17A 01-0192 437AW Reach1192
18h26 arr BAe146 ZE701 32(TR)sqn Ascot1409
18h29 dep C-17A 90-0535 62AW Reach0535
18h39 dep C-17A 03-3125 305AMW Reach157
18h54 dep BAe146 ZE701 32(TR)sqn Ascot1409
18h57 dep C-17A 04-4136 305AMW Reach657
19h01 dep C-17A 04-4130 305AMW Reach559
19h09 arr UC-35A 95-0123 F/6-52AVN Duke12
19h37 arr C-12U 84-0180 E/6-52AVN Duke96
20h00 dep UC-35A 95-0123 F/6-52AVN Duke12
20h22 dep C-12U 84-0180 E/6-52AVN Duke96
20h51 dep C-17A 03-3120 62AW Reach911
20h56 dep C-17A 02-1109 62AW Reach2109
UH-60A 83-23869 A/1-214AVN
UH-60A 88-26039 A/1-214AVN???

Furtermore seen this day in RS but not flying were:
C-5A 69-0003 445AW/AFRC in the hangar (could somebody confirm??)
C-5B 87-0036 60AMW
KC-135R 61-0309 128ARW/WI ANG
C-130E 62-1833/RS 37AS
C-130E 63-7834/RS 37AS
C-130E 64-0527/RS 37AS
C-130E 64-18240/RS 37AS
C-130E 70-1260/RS 37AS
C-130E 70-1264/RS 37AS
C-130H 74-1666 317AG
C-130H 92-3281 934AW/AFRC
C-130H 92-3283 934AW/AFRC
L-100 N403LC Lynden Air Cargo

Eric, Egbert, Dominic
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