Post all airshow-related items here. Please keep the postings as informative and to-the-point as possible. Refrain from postings with the sole intention to communicate whether you like the show or not, unless accompanied by arguments that can help others.
Hans van der Vlist wrote:(removed by admin on request)
i think somebody forgot the red arrows???
I have the rather distinct feeling I missed some info here...
Am I to understand that no arrival times are to be posted till next Tuesday?
Which would be a pity because of planning purposes...
Indeed, arrival information is still under embargo and will be released Tuesday. But as said before, first arrivals will be Tuesday and most arrivals will be Thursday.
hurray...PH-NRA....more civil sh*t.
They better start calling it the civiele luchtvaartdagen instead of the "luchtmachtdagen"
Let's hope some good military stuff is still not published and will come!
military movements elsewhere UK editor/ showwebreports editor
hurray...PH-NRA....more civil sh*t.
They better start calling it the civiele luchtvaartdagen instead of the "luchtmachtdagen"
Let's hope some good military stuff is still not published and will come!
Frank van Hemert wrote:hurray...PH-NRA....more civil sh*t.
They better start calling it the civiele luchtvaartdagen instead of the "luchtmachtdagen"
Let's hope some good military stuff is still not published and will come!
Hurray, our first "satisfied" customer and we have not started yet!
Yeah and he is probably one of the people who stands in front of the line to get on the airbase as one of the first to shoot his photos.
I guess it's safe to say that more people appreciate your hard work Jb5 then those nitpickers complaining about the aircrafts that are coming, which I really don't get. Every year is another highlight.
Frank van Hemert wrote:hurray...PH-NRA....more civil sh*t.
They better start calling it the civiele luchtvaartdagen instead of the "luchtmachtdagen"
Let's hope some good military stuff is still not published and will come!
Hurray, our first "satisfied" customer and we have not started yet!
The topic is called 'comments on participants', not 'positive comments on participants only please'... Everybody's entitled to their own opinion. Judging by his comments, Frank will probably not be visiting.
Until just yet I had not read any messages regarding the Volkel Airshow. So I decided to check the website, and I was flabbergasted to see the display list.
SIX demo teams !!!!
What are they thinking ?? This is truely ridiculous !! I thought the Luchtmachtdagen were organized to show the people what the airforce does and what they work with. Now the show is like a bad american television show. Loads of "commercials" in between a few useful items.
I remember that the Luchtmachtdagen were famous for their one-hour Airpower display with 24 F-16's, dozens of helicopters and all kinds of other flying- and ground action. I'll bet this highlight has been cut down tot a silly fly by of 4 F-16's and two helicopters (and a tanker at FL370), only to make room for more demoteams.
Pfff.....what a disappointment.
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