Mumbai! Now including info on photospots

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Post by Sjaak »

[quote="Key"]That's clear Sjaak, and not what I meant... I meant the slums, the garbage dump and the latrines. :?

Aha :D We'll the good thing is that when you look up in the sunny skies seeing all these colourful birds passing by you don't see the misery down below :wink:
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Post by SilverWingPix »

Thank you very much for the info Sjaak. Very informative. Amazing the places we end up in sometimes when chasing aeroplanes.

A shame with the recent violent incidents. That will for sure make things more difficult.

Best Regards,
Egon aka SilverWingPix
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Post by Thermal »

View from the rooftop terrace of the excellent Orchid Hotel, it´s 5 star and expensive,
Wow, a 5 star hotel next to the slumps. How big can the contrast be. Nice report nevertheless Sjaak
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Post by MikeRomeo »

Mumbai it's one of the destinations I've in mind for next year. It was excellent to see such detailed report and also the photos showing the spotting locations. This guide is a must read by anyone wanting to go there.

Very well done Sjaak !
Rui Miguel -
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Post by EC »

Good report and additional photo's Sjaak. You can almost smell the latrines, brings back memories.

As you can see not everybody uses the latrines, no those are not stones being thrown around and yes that is the airport terminal in the background

For those interested, there is also a topic from a year ago on this airport ... highlight=

Kind regards
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Post by Nozem »

Awsome report!!
Looks like its worted all the hard work to make the pictures
Would love to go there once

:lol: :lol: :lol:
And what the f#ck does that goat has hanging in the back? :shock:

Greetings Ton
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Re: Mumbai! Now including info on photospots

Post by HAWK21M »

Fantastic Pictures.
Think of the Brighter side!!!
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