ETAR 10.07.09 E-4B 74-0787 55thWg

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ETAR 10.07.09 E-4B 74-0787 55thWg

Post by AMC »

My last of four E-4 on photo. Here E-4B 74-0787 55thWg on departure from Ramstein.
Looks very dirty the old lady! :shock:
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Re: ETAR 10.07.09 E-4B 74-0787 55thWg

Post by Flanker27 »

Nice! gotta catch her next time she's around..
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Re: ETAR 10.07.09 E-4B 74-0787 55thWg

Post by B2K2K »

not bad little to dark but okay
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Re: ETAR 10.07.09 E-4B 74-0787 55thWg

Post by Oscar01 »

Looks like he had a (small) leak or something like that? Seems (to me) some dirt (oil / kerosine?) came out......

Nice pictures though.

What me surprised is that the E-4 left already yesterday with AF1 still in Africa......

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Re: ETAR 10.07.09 E-4B 74-0787 55thWg

Post by KIER »

Doesn't surprise me was at RS for POTUS visit in Italy. So POTUS movements will also mean movements for E-4 on the background. I think a radius from around 400-500 miles around POTUS is the location were a E-4 normaly stands .


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Re: ETAR 10.07.09 E-4B 74-0787 55thWg

Post by Oscar01 »

Hi Kier,

Indeed the E-4 normally stays within 400-500km from AF1 at any time. He arrived ETAR when AF1 flew to Moscow (bit more then 400-500km, but anyhow). The E-4 stayed when AF1 flew to Italy.

I would say he stayed at ETAR (or somewhere close to Africa) still these days when AF1 is in Africa. But in fact the E-4 left back home yesterday, so either there must be another E-4 somewhere in Spain / southern Italy / Greece, or (in my opinion) it is strange....

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