EHEH 19-07-2009 MIL

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EHEH 19-07-2009 MIL

Post by flying_kiwi »

Heading home:
____/1440		A310		15002		****/CFC3288		XXX/YTR
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Canberra TT.18
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Re: EHEH 19-07-2009 MIL

Post by Canberra TT.18 »


Not sure this civil or military. On the military platfrom was a KingAir, thsi morning, couldn't read it well, but I thought something PH-ACE. Anyone information about this aircraft and why is it on the military platform?

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Re: EHEH 19-07-2009 MIL

Post by Stephan Lodewijks »

This is a civil matter ofcourse, but here's the answer:

"Geland om 04:25lt de RCC33A (PH-ACE) Ambulance Flight
Gepland vertrek [20/7] 08:30lt als RCC44A"

It may have parked military because of the absence of personel at Eindhoven Airport at that time of night. Or it may have brought in injured military personel.

Credit: Rob Hendriks at EWAS.


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