Leave exif in file?

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Leave exif in file?

Post by Krazy »

I wanted to post this in the read first topic as a reply, didn't look correctly, so it landed directly here.

As a 'rule' request for the photo forum, could it be possible to include the EXIF info on all photo's posted here?

<old post>
Everybody has to leave the EXIF info in the picture?

(Maybe I can still learn something :D)
Last edited by Krazy on 10 Aug 2009, 17:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: This Photo Forum (please read before you post!)

Post by Iwan Bogels »

Krazy wrote:Request:
Everybody has to leave the EXIF info in the picture?

(Maybe I can still learn something :D)
Nice suggestion, but I think that some people don't even know what EXIF-info is, and even more people don't realize that the option "Save for the Web" will delete all the info from your photos. (just as the use of borders do - sometimes)

Good luck on the EXIF-chase. I support you.

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Re: This Photo Forum (please read before you post!)

Post by SquAdmin »

Iwan Bogels wrote:and even more people don't realize that the option "Save for the Web" will delete all the info from your photos.
Au contraire, in Photoshop CS4 the default setting is to save the EXIF data into your JPG (metadata). As long as you keep on working on the "original file" that is...

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Re: This Photo Forum (please read before you post!)

Post by Key »

But at least up to CS3 inclusive, it is as Iwan says.
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Re: This Photo Forum (please read before you post!)

Post by mitchell »

Iwan Bogels wrote:I think that some people don't even know what EXIF-info is, and even more people don't realize that the option "Save for the Web" will delete all the info from your photos.
Thanks, I've always saved my photos using the ''Save for Web'' function.
I did not know why all my EXIF-info was gone.
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Re: Leave exif in file?

Post by MainPower »

Krazy wrote:Request:
Everybody has to leave the EXIF info in the picture?

(Maybe I can still learn something :D)
Yeh ... at least somebody is asking .. I also notice that EXIF has been removed on some photo;s ... where I wonder how the shot was made (as you said .. just to learn from it). But than again .... I also guess lot of people do not know about EXIF.

EXIF stands for Exchangeable Image File Format, and is a standard for storing interchange information in image files, especially those using JPEG compression. Most digital cameras now use the EXIF format. The format is part of the DCF standard created by JEITA to encourage interoperability between imaging devices.
(source: http://www.exif.org/)

BTW .. I also use a nice add-on for Firefox, called Exif Viewer :-)
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Re: This Photo Forum (please read before you post!)

Post by Krazy »

For everyone who's wondering why I filed this request here:
Sometimes you see a shot which triggers the remark 'how the h**l did he (or she) made that shot??!!'. With the EXIF info you can see the camera settings, which means you can get a starting point on how to shoot something like that..

Thanx for the support Iwan :)

Oh and another point of view: Why use Save for Web?? It optimizes the viewing experience on a website.. I don't think you want this in a photography forum. I never mind downloading a few KB more and be able to view more details.

Didn't hit the tone I tried to hit, so removed the quote and the first sentence in this post.
Last edited by Krazy on 10 Aug 2009, 17:57, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Leave exif in file?

Post by MainPower »

Crizz wrote:In CS4 it gives the option to include copyright and exif info when save for the web.
Although I tried it, but it dissapears.
I also had some issue with CS3 where information about lens etc was removed from the EXIF data by CS3 (note, that the basic information was still there). I found out (very stupid) if I used Camera RAW to read them in (RAW and jpeg) the EXIF lens data was not removed.

So this is what I now see in my EXIF (just an example),

I also do not know what these photo upload web-site do with the photo's, at least I know that flickr includes EXIF data.
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Re: Leave exif in file?

Post by Maurice »

I am a bit confused here. What exactly do you 'learn' from exif info? I understand it is nice to see camera settings but learn from it? I think you only learn to copy from someone else in stead of understanding what's going on. In my opinion, you learn by going out there and play with your gear. Practise practise practise. Try to understand what you are doing, that's the only way to 'learn'. Ones you get control of what you are doing, you will be able to decide for yourself what the best settings would be for the situation. Than you wouldn't depend on other peoples settings by 'spying' theirs :wink: So I don't feel anything for leaving exif in files mandatory. No offence to anyone, just my two pennies.
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Re: Leave exif in file?

Post by Iwan Bogels »

Crizz wrote:Why to leave exif info in the picture?
To see what type of camera is used? focus range? Lens used?
I think for aperture, shutterspeed and/or program/function used in the camera during shooting.
In my opinion it can be nice to know, but is it functional to use?
Hi Chris,

Yes, it can be useful. Very useful, actually !

Shutterspeeds with props and rotors will tell you which speed to use to create propblur.
Focal length tells you how many mm's you need at a certain spot
Camera info will help you to distinguish the crop factor of the photo

These are just some points that I check in EXIF-info. Next to that I'm also interested to see which setting people prefer regarding to ISO, apperture and shutterspeed. I check this for super-shots as well as horrible shots.

Although the advantage may be small, there is always something to learn from EXIF-info.

So please include the EXIF-info in your shots.

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Re: Leave exif in file?

Post by Krazy »

Maurice wrote:I am a bit confused here. What exactly do you 'learn' from exif info? I understand it is nice to see camera settings but learn from it? I think you only learn to copy from someone else in stead of understanding what's going on. In my opinion, you learn by going out there and play with your gear. Practise practise practise. Try to understand what you are doing, that's the only way to 'learn'. Ones you get control of what you are doing, you will be able to decide for yourself what the best settings would be for the situation. Than you wouldn't depend on other peoples settings by 'spying' theirs :wink: So I don't feel anything for leaving exif in files mandatory. No offence to anyone, just my two pennies.
No offence taken :)

I wouldn't call it spying. The way I use the EXIF info is that I look at a shot, and think: I want to do that to, but I have no idea howto.. please get me started.
It won't help copying the exact EXIF data from the shot in my camera. For that you have to many variables in your surroundings. (Aircraft coming in at higher speed; you are at the some location, but 2 months later; etc.)

Take a few shots with settings like (like, not one on one copy) the EXIF info mentioned. Pick that up, and test what settings alter the image so that you like it..

Personally, I find it an honor when somebody asks you how you made a shot.. and EXIF info is just a small part of it.

So, as mentioned: no offence taken, just another opinion :D

.. My English did get rusty over the last couple of years ..
Last edited by Krazy on 10 Aug 2009, 19:48, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Leave exif in file?

Post by Krazy »

Crizz wrote:Mmm.. ok I see the point in Maurice his reply, and on the other hand also the one of Iwan.
Mostly I think people wanne know the "basic" settings.

But to get back a bit on the topic, can you make people demand to let there EXIF info visible when posting? I think not.
You can request, but that it need to be a must?
As it was a request, I can live with it Crizz. Perhaps its to much to ask to make it a must to post the EXIF data. You've got a point there.
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Re: Leave exif in file?

Post by Key »

Obsolete stuff removed.
Krazy wrote:Perhaps its to much to ask to make it a must to post the EXIF data.
It certainly is, and will not happen. Interesting discussion though, several good points from both sides. The request can always be rewarded, of course.

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Re: Leave exif in file?

Post by Iwan Bogels »

Guys, guys, guys....

This might be a translation problem. I bet Brno did mean the right thing: Would everybody be so kind to leave the EXIF-data in the photos, published at this forum.

And I support him in his request !

Maybe it's an option to copy the text below into a reply when you run into photos without EXIF-data:

Dear photographer,

Photos from your camera contain EXIF-data, These are data on camera settings like apperture and shutterspeed, as well as info on the type of camera and lens used to take the photo.

Unfortunately these EXIF-date were lost when you processed the photo for publication on internet. This can happen when you use the function "Save for the Web" instead of the standard "Save" or "Save As", or when you create special borders around the photo.

People are interested to see the camera settings and details from your photo(s) and would like to ask you to upload photos which still include the EXIF-data. For more information on EXIF-data, please see http://digital-photography-school.com/using-exif-data" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;.

Thank you for including the EXIF-data in future uploads.
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Re: Leave exif in file?

Post by JS50557 »

Nice topic guys, but please help me.
After re-installing it on my pc, EXIF data are not visible anymore on JP or any other site.
Can someone tell me how to get the EXIF data there?

Thanks in advance,
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