|Moscow city - museums 2009

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Piet Luijken
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|Moscow city - museums 2009

Post by Piet Luijken »


Today I visited two places with some preserved aircraft in Moscow.

Russian Ministery of Defence - Leninskiy Prospekt
( it is located on the end of line1 RED, station Yugo - Zapadnaya, exit metro walk towards BP station and then follow the buildings at your right side. )

MiG-27 49 white ( ex MiG-23 49 yellow EMOOS )
MiG-23ML 24 white ( ex 51 outline EMOOS )
MiG-29 51 white ( ex 51 EMOOS )
Mi-24 no code
Su-17M 60 red

War Weaponry and Fortification Exposition - Park Pobedy
( this is in the Victory Park, take metro 3 BLUE, exit at Park Pobedy and walk to large pole monument. )

Changes compared to EMOOS:
Ka-26 36 black ( new )
Mi-24D 115 white ( ex 15 red EMOOS )
Ki-43 ( new, made from found parts engine and wings )

LOG: ( no replica's )

77 yellow Ka-25PLO
17 yellow Li-2
68 red 9710819 Mi-8TB
115 white Mi-24D
06 red MiG-15UTI
66 red MiG-17
09 red MiG-21PFS
14 red MiG-23ML
26 blue MiG-29
08 white P-63C
4 white Po-2
11 red Su-15TM
81 red 17532372510Su-17UM3
12 blue Su-25
36 black Ka-26
Not Noted Ki-43

The Bf109 replica was moved to storage area behind museum.

All aircraft were covered with cloths to prepare them for the winter weather.


Piet Luijken
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Piet Luijken
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Re: |Moscow city - museums 2009

Post by Piet Luijken »

Another museum is the Central Armed Forces Museum, with the following log from 30-07-2009:

01 ye Yak-50
07 rd 3202109 Mi-24 Hind-A
65 rd Su-7B preserved
25 rd MiG-17 Fresco-A
01 rd MiG-21F-13
70 rd MiG-21SM
71 rd MiG-23S
51 rd 545005106 Mi-2
101 ye Ka-25 Ka-25
02 rd 15974032 MiG-29
10 rd Il-28
05 rd Mi-4A
01 rd 49..12 L-29
27 rd Su-27
49 rd 08895 MiG-25P
39 rd 1215309 Su-15TM
26 rd 0115305 Su-24MR
22 rd 31-0112 Su-25
nn MiG-21F-13 nose only
71 wh Su-25 preserved nose only
56-6693 U-2 preserved wreck only

It was quite hard to find properly, but in the end, after a lot of asking around, I was directed in the proper direction.


Piet Luijken
Scramble Editor
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