EHEH 19-11-2009 CIV

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EHEH 19-11-2009 CIV

Post by T7 »

Picked from the CivilSpotterslist, credit to Steven Peck:

Around 1046lt on the ground..

MON9806 B752 planned off KBGR at 0340z en-route to EHEH/Eindhoven with an ETA pf 0946z...planned route after020w is...DOGAL UN544 DEVOL UL975 RINUS UL975 MALUD UL6 HON UP155 UMBAG UP137 SONDO UM183 REDFA
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Re: EHEH 19-11-2009 CIV

Post by flying_kiwi »

Todays list:
0745/0910		B763		PH-MCM		MPH301/301		AMS/NHD
____/0800		B737		PH-XRX		****/TRA6623		XXX/ALC
0805/0900		B738		EI-DLX		RYR9923/9924		PSA/PSA
0805/0855		A320		HA-LPO		WZZ227K/828R		BUD/PRG
0810/0900		B738		EI-DPR		RYR91F/91J9		GRO/GRO
0825/1740		BE9L		F-BXPY		CLG492/493		CFR/CFR
0830/0940		B734		TC-TJF		CAI041/040		AYT/AYT
0900/1655		C560		D-CBEN		DCBEN/DCBEN		DTM/DTM
____/0940		C56X		EC-KOL		****/VAD641		XXX/FMO
1100/1150		B752		G-MONK		MON9806/806P		BGR/LGW
1200/1245		A320		HA-LPO		WZZ827Q/228L		PRG/BUD
1255/1345		A320		HA-LPF		WZZ127J/128K		KTW/KTW
1330/1525		B737		PH-XRX		TRA6624/6653		ALC/AGP
1340/1430		B738		EI-DHW		RYR4535/4536		BGY/BGY
1535/1625		A320		EI-DEE		EIN928/929		LGW/LGW
1920/2205		ATP		LX-WAV		NPT450/451		CVT/CVT
2135/____		B737		PH-XRX		TRA6654/****		AGP/XXX
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