






8. Sheik taxiing back after his final demo for the Royal Netherlands F16 Demo Team.



![]() | This is the forum to share your recent aviation photos with the rest of the community, being photos not older than six months at the moment of topic opening. Theme-based topics, not about recent events, should go into the sub-forum. Although we will not screen beforehand, we reserve the right to delete any images, especially if clearly unsharp or otherwise low in quality. For more information on how to upload you images, check this post. In topic titles, please use airfield names in stead of just codes, and be clear about what kind of photos your viewers can expect (e.g. CIV/MIL, location etc.). Finally, bring any photo criticism understandable and to the point, not cynical or offensive! Simultaneously, do not feel offended by criticism per se, but simply explain your motives, taste et cetera, or ignore if you wish so. |
Thanks AndrasAndras wrote:Very nice.. Last shot is awesome! So his season is over, i understand. Thought i saw Dutch roundels on your take-off shot of the Dual F-16.. Cool.. Tbitrds shot looks good as well..
Thanks!MB wrote:like the Red Bull Mig
I hope JB5 can answer that questionIwan Bogels wrote:Hi Bassa,
Nice shots ! Do you have more shots of that Turbo Dakota ? I'm curious about it's Fire titles.... Do you know more about it ??
Stratofreighter wrote:I hope JB5 can answer that questionIwan Bogels wrote:Hi Bassa,
Nice shots ! Do you have more shots of that Turbo Dakota ? I'm curious about it's Fire titles.... Do you know more about it ??
Acccording to" onclick=";return false; this was not Sheik's last demonstration flight (yet), this will be on Friday the 27th of November.Andras wrote:So his season is over, i understand.
Het dertigjarig bestaan van het demoteam wordt op vrijdag 27 november gevierd met een jubileum demovlucht boven vliegbasis Volkel. Dat gebeurt in het bijzijn van commandant luchtstrijdkrachten Jac Jansen en alle demovliegers uit de afgelopen dertig jaar.
Dit zal tevens de laatste demovlucht zijn van het huidige F-16 Solo Display team en vlieger Ralph Aarts. Na drie jaar nemen kapitein-vlieger Tobias Schutte en een ondersteunend team van vliegbasis Leeuwarden deze taak over.
Thanks for this info. Would you have another photo from this aircraft, with more of a sideview? Next to that I'm also curious about the registration number. All this beacuse I'm a big fan of all fire fighting aircraft and helicopters.jb5 wrote:Stratofreighter wrote:I hope JB5 can answer that questionIwan Bogels wrote:Hi Bassa,
Nice shots ! Do you have more shots of that Turbo Dakota ? I'm curious about it's Fire titles.... Do you know more about it ??
This DC-3 is converted by Basler Aviation en is used as a fire-fighting plane by the Forest Service to fight wildfires. It has new turboprop engines, stronger wings, and other modern upgrades. Normally the plane is used to drop smoke jumpers over forest fires, at Nellis it was used to drop the The US Air Force Academy's Wings of Blue Competition and Demonstration Parachute Team.
Aviation Nation was his last airshow.Stratofreighter wrote:Acccording to" onclick=";return false; this was not Sheik's last demonstration flight (yet), this will be on Friday the 27th of November.Andras wrote:So his season is over, i understand.
Now that's a one name i wouldn't try to pronounce during an airshowjb5 wrote:Stratofreighter wrote:I hope JB5 can answer that questionIwan Bogels wrote:Hi Bassa,
Nice shots ! Do you have more shots of that Turbo Dakota ? I'm curious about it's Fire titles.... Do you know more about it ??
This DC-3 is converted by Basler Aviation en is used as a fire-fighting plane by the Forest Service to fight wildfires. It has new turboprop engines, stronger wings, and other modern upgrades. Normally the plane is used to drop smoke jumpers over forest fires, at Nellis it was used to drop the The US Air Force Academy's Wings of Blue Competition and Demonstration Parachute Team.