EHEH 20-12-2009

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EHEH 20-12-2009

Post by andel »

Zojuist op de tower 131.00 een Ryanair die in de holding zat uitgeweken naar het mooie Hahn.
Zal wel iets met de sneeuw te maken hebben.
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Re: EHEH 20-12-2009

Post by flying_kiwi »

Today's planning, of which the Hello MD90 has diverted back to Basel to wait for an improvement in the weather, while both the Madrid and Porto flights have diverted to Hahn.
0950/1510		MD90		HB-JID		FHE7910/6911		BSL/BSL
1015/1045		B738		EI-DHI		RYR5E/5D		MAD/MAD
1015/1055		B738		EI-DPJ		RYR7472/7AW		OPO/OPO
1215/1245		A320		HA-LPX		WZZ227K/228L		BUD/BUD
1440/1650		B737		PH-XRV		TRA6654/6653		AGP/AGP
1525/1615		A320		HA-LPL		WZZ827Q/828R		PRG/PRG
1535/1625		A320		EI-DEH		EIN928/929		LGW/LGW
1655/1745		B738		EI-DLV		RYR4535/4536		BGY/BGY
____/1815		F50		OO-VLY		****/VLM67E		XXX/LCY
1900/1950		A320		LZ-WZB		WZZ603Z/604J		SOF/SOF
2055/____		F50		OO-VLY		VLM68E/****		LCY/XXX
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