roberto wrote:The Guardian is een tamelijk links georienteerde krant die regelmatig op defensiegebied verhalen bedenkt van "unnamed sources" die naar later blijkt nergens op slaan (volgens betrouwbare engelse spotter bronnen).
Dus een beetje ouderwets lekker stoken en hopen dat er iets van waarheid in zit.
Met de huidige financiele crisis in Engeland en bij defensie zou het trouwens zomaar kunnen dat men wel minder gaat bestellen, maar hierover is pas een beetje duidelijkheid over na de verkiezingen waarvoor nog niet eens een datum geprikt is.
Ja, dan is die rechtse Daily Mail toch echt véél betrouwbaarder

Daily Mail wrote:An insult to The Few: Defence cuts could ground the Battle of Britain flight
By Ian Drury
The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight faces the axe as the Ministry of Defence attempts to close a £6billion hole in its finances.
Senior RAF sources have warned that the flight could be cut on 'cost grounds' as the MoD is forced to make drastic savings in the next defence review.
This year is the Battle of Britain's 70th anniversary and yesterday MPs and veterans' groups described the threat to the flight as a 'crying shame' and an insult to the fighter pilots - 'The Few' - who defended Britain against the German Luftwaffe.
An RAF Wing Commander said: 'Under the defence review now being conducted, the display teams could be cut. This is part of a cost benefit analysis going on in all MoD departments.
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'If the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight was to continue to operate as it currently does, it is feared it would need to attract private finance.'
The MoD has already made clear that the BBMF would not be allowed to be funded by private sponsorship or donations. Based at RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire, it costs the RAF up to £3million a year to run.
An MoD spokesman said that no cuts to the BBMF would take place this year.
The £3million cost of the BBMF is a drop in the ocean compared to the MoD's £36.9billion budget - less than 0.1 per cent. It represents only one per cent of the £300million paid in bonuses to civil servants at the Whitehall ministry.
Waarop de reactie van het MoD:
MoD wrote:
Daily Mail Article
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You may have seen the article in the Daily Mail today speculating about the future of the BBMF. Air Command have advised us that the potential demise of the BBMF as a cost saving measure is untrue;
There is no plan to cut any funding from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. We routinely review all spending to balance our resources and focus on the highest priority - operations in Afghanistan. A wide range of options are always considered in each annual planning round but not all of these are taken.
Maar dat allemaal compleet off topic.
PS En bij "betrouwbare Engelse spottersbronnen" krijg ik geen warme gevoelens van vertrouwen.