for your telephone Antoine!!! I really need to buy a new I see, especially now its a good temporarily replacement while my KonicaM is in repair...
Great pics, sometimes they look a bit oversharpened but overall: nice! (Especially when one thinks of you equipment

Nice head-on shot, looks great with the heat haze and the lights!
I still get a bit annoyed when I see other's pics of an Apache at the slopes, coz I havent seen one yet there, but French A-jets!!!
Maarten wrote:One aircraft had special colours, because Ans had here birthday,she became 30 years old (maybe the pilot's wife?)
Could as well be that she is flying the plane her self??
I would say it is in fact our
Tante/Aunt Jet!! As you can read on the otherside of tail! So as we got to know, with thanks to 'vuurwerkreeshof', that makes:
30 ans (meaning 30 years) - @ (meaning to) Jet! That should be the reason they were at Gils.
Greets and Happy Spotting!!
Enjoy it haha
Corné Uittenbogaard