Wrecks and relics Italy

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Wrecks and relics Italy

Post by Numbercruncher »


Spent a few days traveling from Milan to Rome, picked up quite some wrecks and relics along the way. Serials and codes are only added if actually read. Locations should be known, and may otherwise be found on http://www.eurodemobbed.org.uk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;, which was very useful in plotting our route. (F=Frame, P=Preserved, S=Stored)

EDIT: added a page of codes at Bracciano, and some dates...
April 3rd
Lonate Pazzolo				
		G-59		F
Malpensa Agusta Museum				
		A-105		P
I-AGUL		A-109		P
PS-28		B-47J		P
		A-129		P
		B-47	VF	P
Gallarate depot				
	2	G-91		P
	61-50	MB-339		P
Castelleto Sopra Ticino				
		F-104		P
	61-115	G-91		P
		P-166		P
		B-47J		P
I-BRIN		PA-28		P
MM5321		F-86		P
MM54195	53-32	MB-326		P
	8-14	G-91		P
		F-104		P
		PA-23	Esperato L. Zanthof?	P two blocks from the museum
		G-91		P
		MB-326		P
April 4th
MM6308		G-91Y		P
	6-26	F-104		P
	6-75	MB-326		S
		S-11		P
MM54418	60-98	G-91		P
MM6807'(MM6821)	5-16	F-104S	AMI	P
()	3-28	F-104		P
		F-104		P
	3-145	T-33		P
		G-46		P
		F-104		P
		F-104		P
MM	3-01	F-104		P
MM54246	46	MB-326		P
()		MB-236		P
MM	3-13	F-104		P
		G-91		P
MM5437.		MB-326		P
		G-91		P
()	60-40	G-91		P
	0	MB-339		P
	RB	T-6		P
MM		G-91Y		P
()		F-104		P
	5-31	F-104		P
		G-91		P
MM6486	8-46	G-91		P
MM61890		P-166		P
		MB-326		P
		G-91		P
		T-33		P
	8-64	G-91		P
MM54272	8-72	MB-326		P
	32-22	G-91		P
		F-104		P
		PD-808		P
April 5th
19782		F-86		P
		MB-326		P
MM	4-10	F-104		P
Pisa-Galileo Galilei				
	46-90	G-222	F
	46-21	G-222	F
	46-96	G-222	F
	46-25	G-222	F
	RS-46	G-222	S
	46-81	G-222		S
	38	C-119		s
	4-44	F-86		P
		F-104		P
		F-104		P
		F-104		P
		F-104		P
		TF-104		P
MM6923		F-104S	AMI	P
MM6740	4-1	F-104S	AMI	P
MM54392	60-93	G-91T		P
		B-47		P
I-EIMU		PA-18		P
MM6368	32-68	G-91		P
	EI-820	CH-47		S
	EI-823	CH-47		S
	EI-804	CH-47		S
	EI-800	CH-47		S
	EI-802	CH-47		S
	EI-819	CH-47		S
6x		CH-47		S
	EI-453	B-412		S
		B-47		S
		MB-326		P
	EI-259	B-204		S
	EI-257	B-204		S
		B-204		S
	EI-220	B-204		S
	53-21	F-104		P
Benevoglio scrapyard				
	5-11	F-104		S
CC-21		B-47		S
	60-108	G-91		S
		G-91		S
	37-02	F-104		S
	37-23	F-104		S
	72-34	H-500		S
2x		H-500	GdiF	S
		A-109	GdiF	S
CC-50		B-47J		S
	60-78	G-91T		S
	CC-18			S
	32-	G-91		S
	60-8.	G-91		S
Rome town				
	60-79	G-91T		P
Ciampino town				
		MB-326		P
I-ECIN		A-102		P
Near Frascati				
	48	AB-47		P
	VN-01	C-45		P
April 6th
		G-91		P
()		B-204		P
		AB-47J		P
Vigna di Valle-Museum				
MM61961		PD-808		P
MM50-178	15-5	HU-16A	AMI	P
S153		S-VIII		P
-		S-VII		P
515	7G	HD-1		P
SVA11721	1	SVA-5		P
Ca23174		Falco		P
-	94-6	AC-2		P
MM79		M-39		P
	130	C-29		P
I-AEDA		S-56		P
I-GTAB	FIR-9	Ca100		P
105	10	M-67		P
MM5643		CR-42		P
MM5311	369	MC-200		P
		CC-1		P
328	3-6	CR-32		P
MM52757		FN-305		P
	84-4	Z-506S		P
	73-7	C-202		P
	278-2	S-79		P
	5	G-55		P
MM61776	14-45	C-47		P
MM9546	97-2			P
	RO-41			P
MM61804	142-5	G-212		P
MK805		Spitfire		P
MM12822		Fi156		P
MM61187	ZR-89	SM-82		P
4323	RR-11	P-51		P
MM54097	RR-67	T-6		P
MM6152		.		P
116746	51-29	F-84G		P
36892	36-38	F-84F		P
19792	13-1	F-86		P
54868	51-62	F-86		P
MM6250	9	G-91PAN		P
MM6280	2-33	G-91		P
MM6344	SA-47	G-91		P
MM6959	8-66	G-91		P
MM7210	36-12	Tornado		P
MM52848	S-1-2	O-1		P
MM53279		G-59		P
MM53762	AA-48	M-416		P
MM61933	53-34	P-166		P
MM100028		Z		P
MM6501	3-11	F-104G	AMI	P
MM54389	68	MB-326		P
MM136556	41-6	S-2A	AMI	P
	9-51	F-104		P
	35	S-2		P
MM53058	SG-8	MB-308		P
	RM-112	UH-1		P
MM80187	SE-38	B-47J		P
	12	B-47		P
35594	9-35	T-33		P
MM53882	RS-22	G-80		P
MM569		Ariete		P
MM561		Sagitario2		P
MM558		SuperS7		P
MM554	RS-10	MB-323		P
There might be some doubles here...
	EI-571	B-206		S
	EI-256	UH-1		S
	EI-461	UH-1		S
	EI-852	A-109		S
	EI-854	A-109		S
	EI-855	A-109		S
	EI-530	B-206		S
	EI-629	B-206		S
	EI-540	B-206		S
	EI-605	B-206		S
	EI-564	B-206		S
	EI-590	B-206		S
	EI-544		S
	EI-505		S
	EI-535		S
	EI-526	B-206	S
	EI-548	B-206	S
	EI-852	A-109	S
	EI-851	A-109	S
	EI-598	B-206	S
	EI-556	B-206	S
MM81013		A-109	S
	EI-855	A-109	S
	EI-597		S
	EI-573		S
	EI-552		S
	EI-554		S
	EI-538		S
MM80859			S
MM80640			S
MM.0615			S
MM80584			S
MM80599			S
MM80613			S
	EI-524	B-206	S
	EI-564	B-206	S
	EI-570		S
	EI-853	A-109	S
		SM-1019		S
	EI-650	B-206		S
31x		B-206		S
5x		A-109		S
Fiumiciono-Isola Sacre				
	31-1	Cv440		P
Should anyone be interested in a full log and/or a .kml file with the locations, please send a private message.

Overview of all reports of this trip:

Credit when used

Kind regards,

Robert Weenk
Last edited by Numbercruncher on 22 Apr 2010, 20:49, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Wrecks and relics Italy

Post by Key »

This one moved here. Thx for your extensive reports, Robert!

Climb to 20ft, we're leaving a dust trail
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