Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

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Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

Post by LifelinerOne »

Good day everybody!

work has brought me to the US for a week. As I'm staying near LAX, I hope to have some spotting done as well next to work. Today was my jet-lag day, which meant I didn't have to work. I started at Imperial Hill at LAX, but it was cold and cloudy, so I decided to take my rental and drive to Simi Valley to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Next to a exact replica of the Oval Office it has one main attraction; The Air Force One Pavalion. On display is VC-173B 72-7000. You can also have a look inside the plane, however photography inside is not allowed. I must say, it wasn't as spacious as I thought it would be. I found it rather cramped. This magnificent plane is displayed very nice as you can see! Great work. So, if you are in the neighbourhood, drop by.





I hope to post some more pictures from the US in the coming week!

Cheers! :wave:
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Re: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

Post by Giel »

I like the last one!
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Re: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

Post by GoldenEagle »

I like them all!
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