Callsign request 'BAF 301'

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Stephan Lodewijks
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Callsign request 'BAF 301'

Post by Stephan Lodewijks »

'Belgian Air Force 301' is on its way to Eindhoven for an NDB approach at this time. It announced itself as an A.109 flying Beauvechain/Beauvechain. This is the first time I've heard a Landcomponent heli using a BAF-callsign. Does anyone know more?

(Since the flight is from Belgium's Air Component training airbase I think it may be a helicopter-crew training flight in an A.109 loaned from the Landcomponent.)


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Re: Callsign request 'BAF 301'

Post by frank kramer »

To the best of my knowledge, the A109's of the land Component were (or were to be?) transferred to the Air Force and repositioned at Beauvechain in the last Belgian Defence cuts.

Belgian Defence website also registers the Agusta's as part of the Air Component, within 1Wing at Beauvechain: ... E=&ID=2213

and scroll down a couple of pages in the PDF-file.

Looks like this really did happen!
Frank Kramer

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Stephan Lodewijks
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Re: Callsign request 'BAF 301'

Post by Stephan Lodewijks »

Ok, Frank, I didn't know, thanks for updating me! 8)

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Re: Callsign request 'BAF 301'

Post by avanbergen »

Stephan Lodewijks wrote:'Belgian Air Force 301' is on its way to Eindhoven for an NDB approach at this time. It announced itself as an A.109 flying Beauvechain/Beauvechain. This is the first time I've heard a Landcomponent heli using a BAF-callsign. Does anyone know more?

(Since the flight is from Belgium's Air Component training airbase I think it may be a helicopter-crew training flight in an A.109 loaned from the Landcomponent.)


Not much to add except that it was also logged on mode-s:
44F64A H-36 BAF301
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