EHEH 19-12-2010 CIV

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EHEH 19-12-2010 CIV

Post by flying_kiwi »

Planned for today:
0955/____		A124		UR-82072	ADB5028/____		UBBB/____
1000/1045		B738		EI-DHD		RYR5E/5G7		LEMD/LEMD
1025/1050		B738		EI-EML		RYR3475/3476		LMML/LMML
1115/1225		A320		HA-LWA		WZZ827Q/828R		LKPR/LKPR
1145/1240		B737		PH-XRW		TRA6686/6685		LOWI/LOWI
1200/1255		A320		HA-LPI		WZZ227K/228L		LHBP/LHBP
1240/1355		A320		HA-LPF		WZZ327L/328M		EPGD/EPGD
1250/1400		A320		HA-LPS		WZZ127J/128K		EPKT/EPKT
1520/1650		B737		PH-XRZ		TRA6654/6653		LEMG/LEMG
____/1625		F50		OO-VLJ		____/BCY265		____/EGLC
1630/____		C525		PH-SOL		SOX422/____		EGLC/____
1655/1745		B738		EI-EGA		RYR4535/4536		LIME/LIME
1800/____		C550		PH-DYN		SOX494/____		EGLC/____
1800/1845		A320		LZ-WZA		WZZ603Z/604J		LBSF/LBSF
1900/____		F50		OO-VLJ		BCY266/____		EGLC/____
1900/1950		A320		HA-LPZ		WZZ215H/216Z		LHBP/LHBP
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Re: EHEH 19-12-2010 CIV

Post by Stephan Lodewijks »

'ADB 549F' is taxiing to the runway at this time. This is the Ruslan that landed earlier today. As usual it will need 4 minutes on the runway before commencing its take-off.


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Re: EHEH 19-12-2010 CIV

Post by Stratofreighter »

As usual it will need 4 minutes on the runway before commencing its take-off.
Why was it again that all An-124s and the single An-225 needs this time? Something to do with the engines? per March/maart 2025...
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Re: EHEH 19-12-2010 CIV

Post by Hurricane »

Stratofreighter wrote:
As usual it will need 4 minutes on the runway before commencing its take-off.
Why was it again that all An-124s and the single An-225 needs this time? Something to do with the engines?
After given full throttle, brakes still set, the AN-124/225 indeed needs this time for a functional view over all systems onboard to make sure she will lift off at the end of the runway (checking hydraulics, flight controls, fuel, oil pressures, engine rpm, engine temp and kind of system checks) :wink:
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Re: EHEH 19-12-2010 CIV

Post by Otto »

DHC-8 PH-ABQ Southern Cross is na een testvlucht in de TMA-D op weg terug naar Beek uitgeweken naar Eindhoven. ATA 15:50LT.
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