Scanner repair shops

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Scanner repair shops

Post by EHAM »

Hi all,

Yesterday my Yupiteru MVT-7100 broke down. It receives almost no signal anymore; in other words it's like the antenna is not there or not working. But I am not sure whether it's the antenna or the scanner itself that is damaged. Any suggestions how to test this?

I would like to have my scanner repaired, so could anybody suggest me some shops in the vicinity of Hoofddorp/Amsterdam or Zwolle where they offer such repairs?

Many thanks in advance!

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Re: Scanner repair shops

Post by Thijs »

what is the actual problem? I had some problems with the antenna connector, there was some friction,as a matter of fact it did not connect any longer to the scanner itself. You can easily solve this problem by opening your scanner and 'solderen' melting? The connector to the rest of the scanner. Let me know if you need some advice. Thijs

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Re: Scanner repair shops

Post by EHAM »

Yes, it might be the antenna connector, but I'm am not sure if that's the actual problem. Could be something else as well, I have no idea. The problem is that I don't hear anything (or very, very weak), while I'm certain that I should hear something (take the ATIS for example).
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Re: Scanner repair shops

Post by CONDOR »

Out of your area but you could try to get in contact with Rotterdam : or Breda :
Some time ago got scanners repaired by them but after repair they never were 100% again.
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Re: Scanner repair shops

Post by EHAM »

I'm very happy to tell that my scanner is repaired again. Two little things were broken inside the scanner causing the scanner to receive only very weak signals. Repair was done at Fakkert Elektronica, Zwolle for only 20 euros.
Joost de Wit
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