Dedicated forum to share your older or thematic photos with the rest of the community.
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Forum rules
This is the forum to share your older or theme-based aviation photos, under the same conditions as the parent forum. For more information on how to upload you images, check this post.
In topic titles, please use airfield names in stead of just codes, and be clear about what kind of photos your viewers can expect (e.g. CIV/MIL, location etc.).
prinses wrote:Nice one over Brussels yesterday (March 29th)
Very nice to see the "Dreamlifter" in our neighbourhood.( just 200km away from my home. )
Are there more chances to see those one's here??....
Canon 1000D 18-55 en Canon 55-250/IS en Samsung WB500. Ik zeg zomaar,... pak wat je kan pakken want anders is het weg!!!!!!... Als je het niet wil pakken , dan pak ik het wel.... moet je wel zeggen waar?????....
This afternoon (at Schiphol Airport) i spotted a very nice plane skyhigh.
It's E-4B of the US Airforce. Very recognizable by antennas on the stabilizers.
I also hoped to catch the PIA B777 as it was another possible mooncrosser. However
her contrail disappeared and I lost her. Anyway the daylight period increases every day so more
opportunities to come.