Trapani - Libya missions

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Arnold ten Pas
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Trapani - Libya missions

Post by Arnold ten Pas »


Some quick edits from a few days out at Trapani, full log will follow (and hopefully some more pictures):

1. A 50° Stormo Tornado in the old green colorscheme:

2. 6° Stormo Tornado in take-off:

3. A 50° Stormo Tornado armed with live AGM-88 HARM missiles:

4. Canadian Hornet landing:

5. 4° Stormo Eurofighter, carrying four live AIM-120 AMRAAM and four live IRIS-T:
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Re: Trapani - Libya missions

Post by SquAdmin »

Cool shot of that fuel dumping Tornado!

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Re: Trapani - Libya missions

Post by foxbat »

Hi Arnold,

A nice set off italian hardware. :)
How many mm did you use for your landing/take off shots ?

Regards, Foxbat
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Arnold ten Pas
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Re: Trapani - Libya missions

Post by Arnold ten Pas »

foxbat wrote:Hi Arnold,
A nice set off italian hardware. :)
How many mm did you use for your landing/take off shots ?
Regards, Foxbat

We used the following spots/mm:

Spot 1. Landing PM
With westerly winds, this is the spot to be. Landing shots with 200mm.

Spot 2. Take-off
You have a good overview of the airfield here. Fighers in take-off with 400mm.
Arnold ten Pas
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Boudewijn van Oirschot
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Re: Trapani - Libya missions

Post by Boudewijn van Oirschot »

Nice shots, Arnold! I was wondering whether it's hard to access the airport these days. Isn't there much security around?
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Re: Trapani - Libya missions

Post by Thijs »

Boudewijn van Oirschot wrote:Nice shots, Arnold! I was wondering whether it's hard to access the airport these days. Isn't there much security around?
Was there also last Tuesday, many times seen by security / military personal but no one asked some questions. The spots Arnold mentions are not next to the airport perimeter so they don't see / can not in contact with you that easily. Also at Deci no major problems.

So it is possible and you can fly directly to Trapani, 24 hours operations, so why not going ;-)
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Arnold ten Pas
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Re: Trapani - Libya missions

Post by Arnold ten Pas »


We spend several days at Trapani, and one day at Sigonella. Although I am pretty sure we were seen from the base and from the outside, but no questions were asked.
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Re: Trapani - Libya missions

Post by MAS017 »

Thijs wrote:[So it is possible and you can fly directly to Trapani, 24 hours operations, so why not going ;-)
Thought Ryanair had moved their operation from Trapani to Palermo... :?
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Re: Trapani - Libya missions

Post by Thijs »

A few flights not all. Last monday we arrived at trapani from cagliari and wednesday we departed trapani for eindhoven. The niederrhein flight departed from palermo. So you have to check the schedule carefully! Beware the uk version of the ryanair website is more clear than the poor translated dutch version.

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