Old "Yugo" photos

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Buccaneer S.2B
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Re: Old "Yugo" photos

Post by Buccaneer S.2B »

Macc wrote:The edits are good, but there is just something about the original versions that I like better. They have a very Cold War feel about them!
Exactly ! The results from Dino are great, but especially the "elderly people" among
us might recognize the cold war feel !
roel lodder
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Re: Old "Yugo" photos

Post by roel lodder »

/b]Nice pictures!
The only thing that's disturbing (that's my humble opinion)
is the copy big C in the middle of the picture!!!
Hans Rolink
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Re: Old "Yugo" photos

Post by Hans Rolink »

Buccaneer S.2B wrote:
Macc wrote:The edits are good, but there is just something about the original versions that I like better. They have a very Cold War feel about them!
Exactly ! The results from Dino are great, but especially the "elderly people" among
us might recognize the cold war feel !
Well, I might be one of the "elderly people" you mean, having been an enthousiast since the early eighties. When I scan a slide I make sure it at least approaches today's image quality. Before and after examples:



Basically, I took the same steps as Dino did.
Open in Photoshop through Open As, choose RAW.
Alter colour balance until the blue haze is gone.
Straighten the horizon and crop the image
Image-->Adjust-->Levels, work the histogram until the grayish haze is gone
Remove any dust spots, this Kodachrome slide had surprisingly few after 20 years (Paris-Le Bourget, 16 June 1991).
Save in Photoshop CS3.
Open in Noiseware and remove grain, than save and close.
Reopen in Photoshop CS3.
Resize as 1024 pixels.
Unsharpen mask, 109%, 0,3 pixels, Threshold 0.

Certainly not rocket science. In my humble opinion, things like Dino and me do should be done by any photographer taking him- or herself seriously. It has got nothing to do with your age or the image's age. It has to do with objective quality issues. I am sure unedited scans will not pass any Anet screener. Nor might mine BTW. :)

Nice work, Dino!

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Re: Old "Yugo" photos

Post by herky »

I totally agree with Roel. As if some evil mind will steal and use this small pictures :roll:
roel lodder wrote:/b]Nice pictures!
The only thing that's disturbing (that's my humble opinion)
is the copy big C in the middle of the picture!!!
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Re: Old "Yugo" photos

Post by Pieter »

For me (with my 54 year one of the so called elderly people) a "Cold War" feel is a bad quality black and white photo. The scans I see here only have the Kodakslide scan blue haze and I only can agree with Dino & Hans....that blue haze kills the picture and without it the shots/scans are muchs better

Pieter...who don't get a "Cold War" feeling when he see a scan of a F-22 Raptor made on Kodak 64 before editting
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