Greatest catches?????

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Greatest catches?????

Post by slicethepienl »

I would like to start a knew subject where people can share their greatest catches.......

You can share your furthest catch or most interesting plane...or whatever other reason that caught your interest......
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Re: Greatest catches?????

Post by slicethepienl »

One great catch i made was a Reach call sign on 11.175 communicating with Kevlavik, some years ago when I first started listing to HF. I was listening already many years to military VHF/UHF. I caught it with my yupiteru portable scanner hooked up to an active pole antenna. That time I was still living in Holland.

Another nice catch I made were some B1 bombers on 11.175 just at the time before the IAT Fairford. I do not even remember the call sign, but i published on scramble that time.
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Re: Greatest catches?????

Post by slicethepienl »

I was lucky to live in a great reception area in that time. I lived in the border area with Belgium Germany and Holland. My favorite freqs were Pampa shooting range, Ramstein CP, Spangdahlem, Rhein Main, Magic CP, Awacs, Airref, and Lippe Radar.....
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Re: Greatest catches?????

Post by joost »

One of greatest catches was finding interflight freq of Tu95's while being intercepted by Dutch Air Defence (even Twice!) <138.550> & <286.750>

Concorde on HF while crossing the Atlantic, although pretty normal in those days I never took the effort to try to catch them, heard it by coincedance...

a RCH flt given Oceanic clearance by Gander, just another RCH but this time they were 3 C-17's which I thought was pretty nice..

Space Shuttle, 20 Minutes after launch...very briefly heard on 259.700

While TDY at Hill AFB in 2009 DEATH for Touch & Go.... Yes it was a B-2A!

B-52's on Global Power Mission(s) / Vlieland and back to USA & Barksdale -> Diego Garcia via Europe

"Mayday Mayday" Call at Airshow Volkel , J-018 with Birdhit & engine stall.. Plane flew right at me

Funny stuff :

Red Arrows , Thunderbirds, Frecce Tricollore, Patrouille de France, Patrouille de Suisse, Blue Angels

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Re: Greatest catches?????

Post by Brian »

Great catches... well..
- A live interview with the crew of a B-52 during operation Enduring Freedom. (HF 5.592)
- Rolf Wouters in the control tower for "wedden dat" communicating with a participant in the backseat of an F-16. (VHF 119.950)
- Blue Angels at leeuwarden open house. (a/a and lwd twr)
- A C-141 at Mildenhal comming in at 03.00, while still at 13.000ft the tower cleared him for a straight in landing.. and in case of a missed approach cleared for the go around. The Lifter landed nicely (very steep landing!) and atc congratulate him on the landing "we never thought you'd be able to make this one".
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Re: Greatest catches?????

Post by joost »

French AWACS during Lybia operations on HF relaying messages of bombStrikes of French fighters & Kill of Galeb? (there were also 5 helo's airborne that time accoarding Cyrano)
- A live interview with the crew of a B-52 during operation Enduring Freedom. (HF 5.592)
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Re: Greatest catches?????

Post by avanbergen »

AK01 intercepting Mig-23 (the one without the pilot ....)

TR-1 on tactical freq (1985) ... tation.mp3

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Re: Greatest catches?????

Post by topsafe »

Never heared him, but I got myself a SR.71 crossing the Ypenburg (and Valkenburg) CTR at 2000ft. Never got to know the serial though :(

Does this count :wink:

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Re: Greatest catches?????

Post by pjotrtje »

My greatest catch was the B-2A overflying the Netherlands (with a simulated bomb run at the Vliehors) on it's way to the Paris Airshow in June 1995. (I was redecorating my new home at the time, and it was great to have a scanner running in the background.) I yet have to see a Spirit 'in the flesh', but at least I cought it on the airwaves!
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Re: Greatest catches?????

Post by Spine24 »

The bailout of the STING1:
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Re: Greatest catches?????

Post by Bennie »

I have 2, both logged at Soesterberg:

1) A (freshman) tower controller using callsign Eindwarden Tower.. This is (or was, I am getting old :wink: ) the callsign of the ATC training simulation area at

2) A tower controller asking a pair of German Phantoms if they were 'horn equipped', because there was a man at work beside the taxiway with whom he had no radio
contact. When the Germans replied 'negative', the controlled said: 'I guess you will have to say 'tuut tuut' yourself then' :lol:
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Re: Greatest catches?????

Post by Spine24 »

Back in '78, 29 Starfighters airborne in 20 minutes @Leeuwarden.
Quotes: "zo kan ik wel naar huis gaan" en "het lijkt hier wel een circus".
unforgatable when they came back, smoke and lights! All in a GCA approach, top work by the guys back then.
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Re: Greatest catches?????

Post by evhest »

Soesterberg GCA tegen Zweedse Saab Lansen in '94(?) in toenemende paniek: ,,You are flying dangerously low!!''

Onderkoeld Zweeds antwoord: ,,Forgive me, this is an old aeroplane.''

Het was in mijn herinnering trouwens een redelijk zonnige VFR-dag, dus ik vermoed dat die Zweed alles gewoon ff van dichtbij wilde zien.
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Re: Greatest catches?????

Post by ebauer »

Not the greatest catch but I still like it...

Somewhere in the eighties at Leeuwarden (where else): an NF-5B was on short finals runway 06 when the TWR says: "we have a sheep on the runway!". Wieltjes in, low approach... :))
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Re: Greatest catches?????

Post by Spine24 »

ebauer wrote:Not the greatest catch but I still like it...

Somewhere in the eighties at Leeuwarden (where else): an NF-5B was on short finals runway 06 when the TWR says: "we have a sheep on the runway!". Wieltjes in, low approach... :))
Were you present when we took a cow from the runway 06?
LB: "you are all arrested". Yeah right! :D
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