From a historic point of view the following conversation at the 12th of november 2008 was definitely my greatest catch of all while I was visiting Soesterberg TWR at that very moment! Because at the TWR the Eagles were already in contact with Rapcon west, so it was possible for me to inform the people down at the fence with my mobile phone that 'they' (2 F-15C's from Lakenheath) were inbound and what callsign they were using. Really unforgettable.
Deadly11: "Soesterberg TWR, Deadly is four mile initial runway 27 for two".
TWR: "Deadly11, roger, no traffic ahead. Report the break lefthand. Altitude 1000 is approved".
Deadly1": "Deadly"..."Deadly1, base, gear stop".
TWR: "Roger Deadly 1, would you like to check out the runway first before landing?"
Deadly11: "euhh..negative".
TWR: "Roger, Deadly 1 is number one cleared to land runway 27. The wind between ten and elleven 'o clock, velocity 15".
Deadly1: "Deadly copies".
Deadly2: "Deadly2, base gear stop"
TWR: "Deadly 2, cleared to land 27".