VID: 3 camera setup at Schiphol

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VID: 3 camera setup at Schiphol

Post by kevztar »

Hi guys,

Last week we went filming en experimenting filming with multiple HD camera's (3) along the runway.
This is the result and hope you like watching it!

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Re: VID: 3 camera setup at Schiphol

Post by ReneHenckens »

Nice, but imo you switch too fast. Touchdown and the resulting smoke are the most interesting part to watch. Now there's just nog enough time to see what's going on.
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Richard from Rotterdam
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Re: VID: 3 camera setup at Schiphol

Post by Richard from Rotterdam »

The edit is quite interesting, but next time you go filming I would suggest two things: keep the level (waterpas) horizontal and make sure there are no obstacles blocking your view, like the lampposts etc.
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Re: VID: 3 camera setup at Schiphol

Post by kevztar »

@Rene Ok, thanks for the tips. In my opinion it's pretty boring to see a movie from, let's say 2 minutes with only 1 plane landing in front of the camera. But I agree, the moment of landing and off course the smoke are pretty interesting.

@richard I know you're right about the level and obstacles. Nothing to say about that ;)
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wild weasel
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Re: VID: 3 camera setup at Schiphol

Post by wild weasel »

Edit: excuus heren moderators, for not doing this in English, it slipped my mind :oops:


Best leuk gedaan zo. Het feit dat niet alles geleveld is, kan dat te maken hebben met het feit dat je het draait vanaf statief zonder balhoofd? Wanneer je een "fixed mounting" hebt, gaat bij het pannen inderdaad je horizon verschuiven.

De overgangen zijn iets te snel/rommelig inderdaad, probeer daar iets meer rust in te krijgen. Wellicht is het een idee eens te filmen uit de hand? klinkt tegenstrijdig, maar als je een beetje een vaste hand hebt, kun je betere resultaten behalen als vanaf statief. Vaak beperkt zo'n statief je namelijk in je bewegings ruimte.

Vind je muziek er goed bij trouwens!


Shoot first, edit later! :-)
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Harry Spotter
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Re: VID: 3 camera setup at Schiphol

Post by Harry Spotter »

I miss the added value of having 3 cameras if they are all located at the same spot. It's like there were 3 of you filming side by side and you pasted the material together. It would be cool if the 3 cams are a few hundred meters apart. Right now it's just very messy, clicking (no fader?) from zoomed-in to wide angle and back to zoomed-in again.
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