EHLW 13-4-2012

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Re: EHLW 13-4-2012

Post by Nilson »

Typhoon QO-U is QO-S and JAS39 39290 is 39260! Please correct me if i am wrong!


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Re: EHLW 13-4-2012

Post by Bennie »

Sjaak wrote:Great these radar reports! Keep 'm coming!;-)

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FNF137 is climbing out on her way to Tampere (EFTP).
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Re: EHLW 13-4-2012

Post by Bennie »

NOW335A outbound now, destination Oslo (ENGM).
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Re: EHLW 13-4-2012

Post by Sleegertje »

All arrived:
BAF F-16: FA91 FA101 FA126 FA133 FB21

RNOAF F-16: 277 289 291 295 659 663 667 670 681

POLAF F-16: 4064 4065 4066 4069 4070 4074

LW EF-2000: 30+66 30+75 30+76 30+78 30+79 30+85

SWEDAF JAS-39: 39225 39231 39246 39248 39260 39263 39276 39290

RAF Typhoon: ZJ815/BN ZJ916/QO-S ZJ920/QO-A ZJ926/QO-Y ZJ928/BX

FINAF F/A-18: HN409 HN417 HN422 HN427 HN432

All serials from: and updates from here.
Cheers Rene
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Re: EHLW 13-4-2012

Post by attila.szabo »

Sleegertje wrote:All arrived:
SWEDAF JAS-39: 39225 39231 39246 39248 39260 39263 39276 39290
All serials from: and updates from here.
Cheers Rene
Nilson wrote:Typhoon QO-U is QO-S and JAS39 39290 is 39260! Please correct me if i am wrong!
Arnold says that the Swedish are:
13-04-2012 39225 Saab JAS-39C F 7 SVF W391 RSwedAF FF2012
13-04-2012 39280 Saab JAS-39C F 7 SVF W392 RSwedAF FF2012
13-04-2012 39276 Saab JAS-39C F 7 SVF W393 RSwedAF FF2012
13-04-2012 39231 Saab JAS-39C F 7 SVF W394 RSwedAF FF2012
13-04-2012 39263 Saab JAS-39C F 21 SVF W395 RSwedAF FF2012
13-04-2012 39248 Saab JAS-39C F 21 SVF W396 RSwedAF FF2012
13-04-2012 39290 Saab JAS-39C F 21 SVF W397 RSwedAF FF2012
13-04-2012 39246 Saab JAS-39C F 21 SVF W398 RSwedAF FF 2012

So we've got 2 Gripens, with 3 possible numbers: 260, 280, 290 ? so who's got the right ones !
Last edited by attila.szabo on 13 Apr 2012, 18:22, edited 1 time in total.
grtz. Attila the Hun.

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Re: EHLW 13-4-2012

Post by Spine24 »

The 39280 was a misread, must be 39260. Last missing Norwegian Viper is inbound now: NOW332C.
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Re: EHLW 13-4-2012

Post by Cargofreak »

Both 39260 and 39280 are correct. 39290 is a misread.
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Re: EHLW 13-4-2012

Post by Nilson »

Cargofreak wrote:Both 39260 and 39280 are correct. 39290 is a misread.

So nothing wrong with my four eyes! Thanks for the confirmation!


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Re: EHLW 13-4-2012

Post by Stephan Lodewijks »

attila.szabo wrote:13-04-2012 39263 Saab JAS-38C F 21 SVF W395 RSwedAF FF2012
(Check even hoe je 't in je administratie hebt ingetypt: JAS-39C ipv JAS-38C :wink: )
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Re: EHLW 13-4-2012

Post by attila.szabo »

Stephan Lodewijks wrote:
attila.szabo wrote:13-04-2012 39263 Saab JAS-38C F 21 SVF W395 RSwedAF FF2012
(Check even hoe je 't in je administratie hebt ingetypt: JAS-39C ipv JAS-38C :wink: )
Hee Stephan, dat zou wat zijn, een nieuw type.... :lol:
tja.... is ook niet meer wat het geweest is :wink:

Maar toch, HANDSUP voor MilSpotters :worship: ...geweldig hoe ze alles netjes hebben bijgehouden :toppie:
grtz. Attila the Hun.

ig: Photo58nl

Re: EHLW 13-4-2012


I have been out and just noticed i missed my chance to hear the finnish F18's :roll: :cry:

Re: EHLW 13-4-2012


Admins feel free to put this in the appropriate place, will anybody get photos from these arrivals or i would love to see some.?
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Re: EHLW 13-4-2012

Post by Richard de Florennes »

Weather: scattered clouds, clear air, some sun, light showers, cool

Based aircraft (303, 322 and 323 Squadron):
AB.412SP 303 Sqn R-01 T09:12
AB.412SP 303 Sqn R-03 T09:54
F-16AM 322 Sqn J-879 T09:41 L10:59 a1
F-16AM 322 Sqn J-516 T09:41 L11:04 a1
F-16AM 323 Sqn J-513 T09:49 L10:55
F-16AM 323 Sqn J-193 T09:49 L10:56
F-16AM 323 Sqn J-512 T11:11 L11:57+a1

Detached aircraft (all for exercise “Frisian Flag 2012”):
F-16C ..elt 4064 L11:39
F-16C ..elt 4065 L11:39
F-16C ..elt 4066 L11:41
F-16C ..elt 4069 L11:41
F-16C ..elt 4070 L11:44
F-16C ..elt 4074 L11:44
F-16AM 2 Wing FA101 no badge L11:53
F-16BM 2 Wing FB21 no badge L11:54
F-16AM 2 Wing FA133 no badge L12:05
F-16AM 2 Wing FA91 no badge L12:52*
F-16AM 2 Wing FA126 no badge L12:52*
JAS 39C F7? 39225/225 L12:18#4
JAS 39C F.. 39280/280 L12:18#4
JAS 39C F.. 39276/276 L12:19#4
JAS 39C F.. 39231/231 L12:19#4
JAS 39C F.. 39263/263 L12:30#4
JAS 39C F.. 39248/248 L12:30#4
JAS 39C F.. 39260/260 L12:31#4
JAS 39C F.. 39246/246 L12:31#4
F-16AM FLO 659 L12:12#4
F-16AM FLO 289 L12:12#4
F-16AM FLO 291 L12:13#4
F-16AM FLO 670 L12:13#4
F-16AM FLO 667 L12:15*
F-16AM FLO 681 L12:15*
F-16AM FLO 295 L12:45#3
F-16AM FLO 663 L12:45#3
F-16AM FLO 277 L12:45#3
F-16AM FLO 299 L14:56+
Typhoon FGR.4 3 Sqn ZJ916/QO-S L13:18#3
Typhoon FGR.4 3 Sqn ZJ928/QO-Y L13:18#3
Typhoon T.3 29 Sqn ZJ815/BN L13:18#3
Typhoon FGR.4 29 Sqn ZJ828/BX L13:18*
Typhoon FGR.4 3 Sqn ZJ920/QO-A L13:18*
Typhoon FGR.4 11 Sqn ZJ933/DF L13:18+
F-18C LLv 21 HN-422/22 L13:50
F-18C LLv 21 HN-427/27 L13:50
F-18C LLv 21 HN-409/09 L13:51
F-18C LLv 21 HN-432/32 L13:51
F-18C LLv 21 HN-417/17 L13:53*
F-18C LLv 21 HN-453/53 L13:53*
F-16AM 312 Sqn J-136 L14:09
F-16AM 313 Sqn J-508 L14:10*
F-16AM 312 Sqn J-014 no badge L14:11*
F-16AM 313 Sqn J-063 L14:13
F-16AM 313 Sqn J-196 L14:37+a1
F-16AM 312 Sqn J-202 L14:40*
F-16AM 312 Sqn J-635 L14:40*

Visiting aircraft (mainly support for “Frisian Flag 2012”):
C-130H 334 Sqn G-273 L10:07 T11:16
C-130E 14.eltr 1508 L10:12 T11:06
C.295M 13.eltr 017 L10:34 T14:15
C.295M TukiLLv CC-2 L11:59 T14:12
C-130J 335 Skv 5629 L13:15 T14:08
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Re: EHLW 13-4-2012

Post by Nilson »

Richard de Florennes wrote:LEEUWARDEN FRIDAY 2012-04-13 RW24
Weather: scattered clouds, clear air, some sun, light showers, cool

Based aircraft (303, 322 and 323 Squadron):
AB.412SP 303 Sqn R-01 T09:12
AB.412SP 303 Sqn R-03 T09:54
F-16AM 322 Sqn J-879 T09:41 L10:59 a1
F-16AM 322 Sqn J-516 T09:41 L11:04 a1
F-16AM 323 Sqn J-513 T09:49 L10:55
F-16AM 323 Sqn J-193 T09:49 L10:56
F-16AM 323 Sqn J-512 T11:11 L11:57+a1

Detached aircraft (all for exercise “Frisian Flag 2012”):
F-16C ..elt 4064 L11:39
F-16C ..elt 4065 L11:39
F-16C ..elt 4066 L11:41
F-16C ..elt 4069 L11:41
F-16C ..elt 4070 L11:44
F-16C ..elt 4074 L11:44
F-16AM 2 Wing FA101 no badge L11:53
F-16BM 2 Wing FB21 no badge L11:54
F-16AM 2 Wing FA133 no badge L12:05
F-16AM 2 Wing FA91 no badge L12:52*
F-16AM 2 Wing FA126 no badge L12:52*
JAS 39C F7? 39225/225 L12:18#4
JAS 39C F.. 39280/280 L12:18#4
JAS 39C F.. 39276/276 L12:19#4
JAS 39C F.. 39231/231 L12:19#4
JAS 39C F.. 39263/263 L12:30#4
JAS 39C F.. 39248/248 L12:30#4
JAS 39C F.. 39260/260 L12:31#4
JAS 39C F.. 39246/246 L12:31#4
F-16AM FLO 659 L12:12#4
F-16AM FLO 289 L12:12#4
F-16AM FLO 291 L12:13#4
F-16AM FLO 670 L12:13#4
F-16AM FLO 667 L12:15*
F-16AM FLO 681 L12:15*
F-16AM FLO 295 L12:45#3
F-16AM FLO 663 L12:45#3
F-16AM FLO 277 L12:45#3
F-16AM FLO 299 L14:56+
Typhoon FGR.4 3 Sqn ZJ916/QO-S L13:18#3
Typhoon FGR.4 3 Sqn ZJ928/QO-Y L13:18#3
Typhoon T.3 29 Sqn ZJ815/BN L13:18#3
Typhoon FGR.4 29 Sqn ZJ828/BX L13:18*
Typhoon FGR.4 3 Sqn ZJ920/QO-A L13:18*
Typhoon FGR.4 11 Sqn ZJ933/DF L13:18+
F-18C LLv 21 HN-422/22 L13:50
F-18C LLv 21 HN-427/27 L13:50
F-18C LLv 21 HN-409/09 L13:51
F-18C LLv 21 HN-432/32 L13:51
F-18C LLv 21 HN-417/17 L13:53*
F-18C LLv 21 HN-453/53 L13:53*
F-16AM 312 Sqn J-136 L14:09
F-16AM 313 Sqn J-508 L14:10*
F-16AM 312 Sqn J-014 no badge L14:11*
F-16AM 313 Sqn J-063 L14:13
F-16AM 313 Sqn J-196 L14:37+a1
F-16AM 312 Sqn J-202 L14:40*
F-16AM 312 Sqn J-635 L14:40*

Visiting aircraft (mainly support for “Frisian Flag 2012”):
C-130H 334 Sqn G-273 L10:07 T11:16
C-130E 14.eltr 1508 L10:12 T11:06
C.295M 13.eltr 017 L10:34 T14:15
C.295M TukiLLv CC-2 L11:59 T14:12
C-130J 335 Skv 5629 L13:15 T14:08

Local additions:

J-066 and J-631 departed ( just after the J-513 and J-J-193 ) to Bodo and at the same moment the J-017 was towed tot he northern part of the base.
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Re: EHLW 13-4-2012

Post by Sjaak »

Typhoon FGR.4 3 Sqn ZJ928/QO-Y L13:18#3

Dit is de ZJ926.............
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