Frisian FLAG 2012

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Re: Frisian FLAG 2012

Post by Tigerfan »

Is there tomorrrow afternoon also flight activity?
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Re: Frisian FLAG 2012

Post by mikek1357 »

Tigerfan wrote:Is there tomorrrow afternoon also flight activity?
Yes there is around 13:30LT.
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Re: Frisian FLAG 2012

Post by camel1 »

How about flightactivities on thursday 26-04, the last day of operational flying at Frisian Flag? What about the afternoon.

It could be they are preparing thim selfs for flying home on friday. Or other non-flying activities.................
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Re: Frisian FLAG 2012

Post by Tigerfan »

Do you also know which runway should be in use tomorrow

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Re: Frisian FLAG 2012

Post by Hans Rolink »

Tigerfan wrote:Do you also know which runway should be in use tomorrow

Expect a sout-westerly wind, so that would be 24.

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Re: Frisian FLAG 2012

Post by Arthur Bijster »

Unfortunally only landing shots, no taxi shots could be taken. It's a pity. But I hope the weather is dry tomorrow.

Greetz Arthur
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Re: Frisian FLAG 2012

Post by Gietje »

EHAM wrote:Maandag was dat rond 10.45 uur.
A320 wrote:Vandaag rond 10:30.
Hartelijk dank :mrgreen:
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Re: Frisian FLAG 2012

Post by Bennie »

NATO05 is nearly overhead Leeuwarden on her way into the TRAs.. I assume she's joining in the exercise this morning.
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Re: Frisian FLAG 2012

Post by roberto »

roberto wrote:Spot 5 beginning 09 is now also off limits as people were send away today by LB and KMAR
After some additional info was asked, we now know that the road to the 09 and the fields outside the fence are military terrain, so the military police is allowed to send you away and you will get a fine if you don't listen to them.
So from now on only landing shots at Leeuwarden
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Re: Frisian FLAG 2012

Post by Bennie »

Bennie wrote:NATO05 is nearly overhead Leeuwarden on her way into the TRAs.. I assume she's joining in the exercise this morning.
And in the afternoon! She's recovering to Frisbee now. Over 7 hours mission time today. 8)
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Re: Frisian FLAG 2012

Post by ROKAF »

I have called the Dutch Millitairy Police at EHLW, cause I wanna know, hoe and why we where banned from the fench at runway 09.
The MP told me that the area around the airfield, and between the asfalt (paved) roads, are property of the Royal Dutch Airforce (KLu).
The farmers pay some kind of rent, for there land. In Dutch it's called pachten. Don't know the Engelish word.
When there is a millitairy exercise, the MP and LB are sharp and watching almost every movement at gates and fences.
When they asked you to leave, you will have to obey, otherwise the can give you a fine that will cost you money.
It will cost you between 135 and 300 euro's.
If you're not a Dutchman, or have a permanent adress in the Netherlands, you have to pay your fine cash.
When they asked you to leave, the say something like: you're on KLu property, leave this property, of words like that.

My advise is to listen and do what they ask you to do.
Don't go to the fench at the runway 09 during Frisian Flag.
In worst case, you can spoill the next spottersday in 2013, or further replacement of the fench.
This is the short version of the explanation.
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Re: Frisian FLAG 2012

Post by Wildpicture »

roberto wrote:
roberto wrote:Spot 5 beginning 09 is now also off limits as people were send away today by LB and KMAR
After some additional info was asked, we now know that the road to the 09 and the fields outside the fence are military terrain, so the military police is allowed to send you away and you will get a fine if you don't listen to them.
I wonder from how far up the chain of command this comes. I can imagine KMar likes to bully spotters and show them they have power. But I can't imagine they can decide on their own the cahse away spotters that do no harm.
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Re: Frisian FLAG 2012

Post by Piet Luijken »

Question remains WHY you were banned.
In the days before many people had been spotting on the hill.
Was it because of the small amount of steps next to the fence? or the few people on the wasteland between road and fence?
I noted only a well organised pro frisian flag party at the hill with civilized people, parking neatly next to the road, throwing their garbage in bins or own pockets and sharing information and nice stories.

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Re: Frisian FLAG 2012

Post by ROKAF »

Maybe banned isn't the the proper word.
We where "kindly" asked to go away from the crashgate at the RNW 09.
One of the reasons where, we are entering Dutch government property and placing small ladders near the fences.
When entering the bumpy road to the 09, you will see no sign: prhohibited or something.
This is kept away for farmers and third party's who'll need the bumpy road for working on the farmers "land".
Most of the EHLW spotters, know that they will entering Dutch government property when driving the road.
The spotterbult, is at the RNW 06, and is kept clean by the visitors themself :)
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Re: Frisian FLAG 2012

Post by Piet Luijken »

aha! 09, yeah, misread :-) sorry. Still a shame. Good spot indeed.

Piet Luijken
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