Mode-S Log from Den Dolder, NL 2012-10-31

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Henk Voortwijs
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Mode-S Log from Den Dolder, NL 2012-10-31

Post by Henk Voortwijs »

Military Hex Codes only

43C6B8 RRR6626 ZZ177 C17 RAF | 99SQ --- 2012-10-31 01:25:14.813
154094 POT4244 RA-82068 A124 Polet Cargo Airlines --- 2012-10-31 02:05:11.328
AE123D RCH521 04-4132 C17 USAF | 305AMW | 6AS [KWRI] --- 2012-10-31 02:08:03.375
AE4D66 RCH300 10-0213 C17 USAF | 437AW [KCHS] --- 2012-10-31 05:00:57.391
AE1466 RCH326 06-6168 C17 USAF | 436AW | 3AS [KDOV] --- 2012-10-31 05:03:24.266
AE07AF RCH258 61-0275 K35R UT ANG | 151ARW | 191ARS [KSLC] --- 2012-10-31 06:58:50.875
AE0559 RCH305 83-1285 C5 USAF | 436AW | 9AS [KDOV] --- 2012-10-31 07:06:00.172
AE07A7 RCH145 59-1498 K35R ME ANG | 101ARW | 132ARS [KBGR] --- 2012-10-31 07:47:40.922
AE0569 RCH730 86-0012 C5 AFRC | 439AW | 337AS [KCEF] --- 2012-10-31 08:23:05.094
43C07A RRR3249 ZE705 L101 216SQ --- 2012-10-31 08:42:22.063
3F8A41 GAF033 xxxx var --- --- 2012-10-31 08:44:50.922
484646 NCG03 PH-CGC D228 CoastGuard --- 2012-10-31 09:01:30.609
AE119D RCH890 03-3120 C17 USAF | 62AW [KTCM] --- 2012-10-31 09:15:07.203
AE20C7 RCH402 07-7186 C17 USAF | 437AW [KCHS] --- 2012-10-31 09:30:11.844
AE1467 RCH301 07-7169 C17 USAF | 436AW | 3AS [KDOV] --- 2012-10-31 09:46:30.531
508020 ADB286F UR-82073 A124 Antonov Design Bureau --- 2012-10-31 09:49:08.688
43C172 RRR6646 ZZ172 C17 RAF | 99SQ --- 2012-10-31 09:50:23.281
AE29FE CNV4894 166695 B737 USNR | VR-56 [KNTU] --- 2012-10-31 09:56:11.422
43C6F3 -------- ZZ330 A330 raf | 10SQ --- 2012-10-31 09:59:24.359
44F1A6 -------- FA136 F16 BAF | 10 Wing --- 2012-10-31 10:20:01.281
AE0214 REACH188 83-0076 DC10 USAF | 60AMW [KSUU] --- 2012-10-31 10:41:45.906
43C147 RRR1993 ZE701 B461 RAF | 32SQ --- 2012-10-31 10:43:47.531
484646 NCG03 PH-CGC D228 CoastGuard --- 2012-10-31 10:47:21.469
AE151A VV100 166377 GLF5 USN | VR-1 [KADW] --- 2012-10-31 11:12:49.109
AE07EB RCH791 96-0001 C17 USAF | 62AW [KTCM] --- 2012-10-31 12:12:28.844
AE1169 DUKE40 84-0163 BE20 US ARMY | F/6-52 AVN [ETOU] --- 2012-10-31 12:30:15.688
AE1465 RCH899 06-6167 C17 USAF | 436AW | 3AS [KDOV] --- 2012-10-31 12:30:42.266
3F8A41 GAF033 xxxx var --- --- 2012-10-31 12:47:32.016
AD5AF4 TROJN02 07-0793 PC12 USAF | 27SOW | 318SOS [KCVS] --- 2012-10-31 12:59:39.031
894001 BAH4 A9C-BAH GLF4 --- --- 2012-10-31 13:20:12.016
894023 BAH2 A9C-HAK B744 --- --- 2012-10-31 13:26:08.469
AE1196 E33113 03-3113 C17 MS ANG | 172AW | 183AS [KJAN] --- 2012-10-31 13:32:44.969
484646 -------- PH-CGC D228 CoastGuard --- 2012-10-31 13:43:02.500
480836 GRZLY12 D-661 H47 298sqn --- 2012-10-31 13:43:27.438
AE0564 -------- 85-0007 C5 USAF | 436AW | 9AS [KDOV] --- 2012-10-31 13:49:49.141
44F106 -------- FA86 F16 BAF | 10 Wing --- 2012-10-31 13:55:08.734
AE123B RCH115 04-4130 C17 USAF | 305AMW | 6AS [KWRI] --- 2012-10-31 14:04:51.047
484646 -------- PH-CGC D228 CoastGuard --- 2012-10-31 14:34:19.297
480405 WARP01 J-005 F16 306SQ --- 2012-10-31 15:05:53.469
48041B FIST01 J-062 F16 313SQ --- 2012-10-31 15:08:56.547
AE04CB RCH215 61-0318 K35R NJ ANG | 108W | 141ARS [KWRI] --- 2012-10-31 15:21:18.125
480C03 NAF73 G-273 C130 336sqn --- 2012-10-31 15:35:39.875
480408 FIST02 J-009 F16 313SQ --- 2012-10-31 16:02:20.469
48041B FIST01 J-062 F16 313SQ --- 2012-10-31 16:15:02.703
480405 WARP01 J-005 F16 306SQ --- 2012-10-31 16:18:22.203
48040A WARP02 J-011 F16 312SQ --- 2012-10-31 16:20:22.516
484646 -------- PH-CGC D228 CoastGuard --- 2012-10-31 17:22:56.828
FFFFFE POLLY03 J-516 var --- --- 2012-10-31 17:28:56.234
FFFFFE POLLY02 J-516 var --- --- 2012-10-31 17:28:56.234
480478 POLLY01 J-367 F16 306SQ --- 2012-10-31 17:29:41.844
480836 GRZLY12 D-661 H47 298sqn --- 2012-10-31 18:31:11.969
AE22AC PYRO11 ------ F15 USAFE | 48FW | 492FS [EGUL] --- 2012-10-31 18:49:58.859
480494 STING01 J-638 F16 311SQ --- 2012-10-31 18:53:07.109
AE2417 REHET31 ------ F15 USAFE | 48FW | 492FS [EGUL] --- 2012-10-31 18:53:32.031
AE2422 REHET33 ------ F15 USAFE | 48FW | 492FS [EGUL] --- 2012-10-31 18:55:30.375
48041B FIST01 J-062 F16 313SQ --- 2012-10-31 18:56:17.438
A95FEF CKS246 N703CK B742 Kalitta Air LLC --- 2012-10-31 19:13:32.094
48047B TIGER01 J-508 F16 313SQ --- 2012-10-31 19:23:31.031
AE22AC PYRO11 ------ F15 USAFE | 48FW | 492FS [EGUL] --- 2012-10-31 19:34:27.281
3F58AE -------- 1401 GLEX FBSBMVg --- 2012-10-31 20:21:02.578
AE2425 REHET34 ------ F15 USAFE | 48FW | 494FS [EGUL] --- 2012-10-31 20:21:12.422
AE2417 REHET31 ------ F15 USAFE | 48FW | 492FS [EGUL] --- 2012-10-31 20:21:31.453
AE2422 REHET33 ------ F15 USAFE | 48FW | 492FS [EGUL] --- 2012-10-31 20:24:41.984
154094 POT4439 RA-82068 A124 Polet Cargo Airlines --- 2012-10-31 20:25:42.141
48085E -------- Q-15 H64 301sqn --- 2012-10-31 20:55:49.781
480861 REDSKN53 Q-18 H64 301sqn --- 2012-10-31 21:01:11.125
FFFFFE BLADE01 J-516 var --- --- 2012-10-31 21:04:06.563
FFFFFE BLADE02 J-516 var --- --- 2012-10-31 21:04:06.563
48041F -------- J-066 F16 TestGroep --- 2012-10-31 21:05:22.469
480478 KILLR02 J-367 F16 306SQ --- 2012-10-31 21:06:06.766
48083C CORONA2 D-667 H47 298sqn --- 2012-10-31 21:41:11.906
C2B3B9 CFC4105 15003 A310 CFC | 8WG | 437TS [CYTR] --- 2012-10-31 23:56:46.344
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Re: Mode-S Log from Den Dolder, NL 2012-10-31

Post by Bennie »

Henk Voortwijs wrote:Military Hex Codes only

AD5AF4 TROJN02 07-0793 PC12 USAF | 27SOW | 318SOS [KCVS] --- 2012-10-31 12:59:39.031
I am unfamiliar with the way this hex code stuff works, but it seems highly unlikely to me that a PC12, picked up over Den Dolder in The Netherlands, is coming in directly from of heading directly to Cannon AFB, NM (KCVS) (Unless in-flight refueling capability is available)!
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Re: Mode-S Log from Den Dolder, NL 2012-10-31

Post by joost »

Bennie wrote:
Henk Voortwijs wrote:Military Hex Codes only

AD5AF4 TROJN02 07-0793 PC12 USAF | 27SOW | 318SOS [KCVS] --- 2012-10-31 12:59:39.031
I am unfamiliar with the way this hex code stuff works, but it seems highly unlikely to me that a PC12, picked up over Den Dolder in The Netherlands, is coming in directly from of heading directly to Cannon AFB, NM (KCVS) (Unless in-flight refueling capability is available)!
Where is it stated it was directly comming from USA?
KCVS only states the unit's homebase.

Besides, he was not over Den Dolder, it was picked up by a Mode-s receiver sharer who is located in Den Dolder.
He was outbound UK, towards Germany. Earlier TROJAN 01 was overhead The Netherlands
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