Golden oldie request corner

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Re: Golden oldie request corner

Post by vallier »

vallier wrote:
KL 877 AMS-BKK / BKK-TPE 2045-1310+1 / 1415+1 1840+1
2009-FEB-06* (But the flight arrives at Schiphol on FEB-07)
KL 878 TPE-BKK / BKK-AMS 1955-2235 / 2320-0545+1

According airport system KL877 was PH-BFW; KL878 was PH-BFR. The rest is too far back for me to trace.

Thank you so much Michel!!! So airport system means the one in Schiphol?? Wow!!!
Now I only have 4 flights in 2007 to confirm!!! Awesome!!
Thank you for your generosity!!!! :) And thanks everyone for reading!

Have a nice weekend!

The flights that I still need help with:
Depart from Schiphol:
KL 1351 AMS-PRG 0710-0845
KL 877 AMS-BKK / BKK-TPE 2045-1230+1 / 1340+1 1815+1

Arrive at Schiphol:
2007-OCT-15* (But the flight arrives at Schiphol on OCT-16)
KL 878 TPE-BKK / BKK-AMS 1930-2205 / 2320-0545+1
KL 1356 PRG-AMS 1520-1700
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Re: Golden oldie request corner


vallier wrote:
vallier wrote:
KL 877 AMS-BKK / BKK-TPE 2045-1310+1 / 1415+1 1840+1
2009-FEB-06* (But the flight arrives at Schiphol on FEB-07)
KL 878 TPE-BKK / BKK-AMS 1955-2235 / 2320-0545+1

According airport system KL877 was PH-BFW; KL878 was PH-BFR. The rest is too far back for me to trace.

Thank you so much Michel!!! So airport system means the one in Schiphol?? Wow!!!
Now I only have 4 flights in 2007 to confirm!!! Awesome!!
Thank you for your generosity!!!! :) And thanks everyone for reading!

Have a nice weekend!

The flights that I still need help with:
Depart from Schiphol:
KL 1351 AMS-PRG 0710-0845
KL 877 AMS-BKK / BKK-TPE 2045-1230+1 / 1340+1 1815+1

Arrive at Schiphol:
2007-OCT-15* (But the flight arrives at Schiphol on OCT-16)
KL 878 TPE-BKK / BKK-AMS 1930-2205 / 2320-0545+1
KL 1356 PRG-AMS 1520-1700
Hi Bryan:

This is what I found in our flightplandata:

Depart from Schiphol:
KL 1351 AMS-PRG 0710-0845 Operated by TRA B738 PH-HZD
KL 877 AMS-BKK / BKK-TPE 2045-1230+1 / 1340+1 1815+1 Operated by KLM B744 PH-BFM

Arrive at Schiphol:
2007-OCT-15* (But the flight arrives at Schiphol on OCT-16)
KL 878 TPE-BKK / BKK-AMS 1930-2205 / 2320-0545+1 Operated by KLM B744 PH-BFH
KL 1356 PRG-AMS 1520-1700 Operated by KLM F100 PH-KLG

Kind Regards,

PapaKnotty flew:
A306 A30B A310 A319 A320 A321 A332 A333 A748 AS21 AS32 AT72 B06 B105
B703 B732 B733 B734 B735 B737 B738 B742 B743 B744 B74S B752 B762 B763 B772
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Re: Golden oldie request corner

Post by vallier »

Hi Bryan:

This is what I found in our flightplandata:

Depart from Schiphol:
KL 1351 AMS-PRG 0710-0845 Operated by TRA B738 PH-HZD
KL 877 AMS-BKK / BKK-TPE 2045-1230+1 / 1340+1 1815+1 Operated by KLM B744 PH-BFM

Arrive at Schiphol:
2007-OCT-15* (But the flight arrives at Schiphol on OCT-16)
KL 878 TPE-BKK / BKK-AMS 1930-2205 / 2320-0545+1 Operated by KLM B744 PH-BFH
KL 1356 PRG-AMS 1520-1700 Operated by KLM F100 PH-KLG

Kind Regards,


First I would to thank you PapaKnotty!! Thanks for your help and your kindness!!!!

May I ask what is "our flightplandata"? Is it some paid service of Scramble? What information it holds??

Oh, about my KLM flight KL1351 on 16 Oct 2007 using TRA model, is it normal?
Is it possible to know whether the pilots and cabin crews were from KLM or Transavia? (KLM crew in KLM uniform or KLM crew in TRA uniform or...) KLM leased the aircraft, or...?
If would be nice to know the small details!

Hey I would like to thank everyone who helped and tried to help!!
I am so amazed by your comprehensive knowledge and ability!
Thank you guys! Dank!
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Re: Golden oldie request corner


vallier wrote:


First I would to thank you PapaKnotty!! Thanks for your help and your kindness!!!!

May I ask what is "our flightplandata"? Is it some paid service of Scramble? What information it holds??

Oh, about my KLM flight KL1351 on 16 Oct 2007 using TRA model, is it normal?
Is it possible to know whether the pilots and cabin crews were from KLM or Transavia? (KLM crew in KLM uniform or KLM crew in TRA uniform or...) KLM leased the aircraft, or...?
If would be nice to know the small details!

Hey I would like to thank everyone who helped and tried to help!!
I am so amazed by your comprehensive knowledge and ability!
Thank you guys! Dank!
Hi Bryan you are welcome;-)

"Our flightplandata" means, the flightplanarchieves (2001 up to now) I work with at work (ATC, The Netherlands). Hopefully I will get some older data available sooner or later... I'm lobbying for that right now... When I have the time, and see people here at the forum "struggling" with "registration of aircraft they flew with in the past and don't know the answer kind of questions", I just like to help them out;-)

Don't know anything 'bout "TRA/KLM Crew or aircraft-lease" issues of your specific flight..., sorry;-)

Thanx again for the "Thank You's"

PapaKnotty flew:
A306 A30B A310 A319 A320 A321 A332 A333 A748 AS21 AS32 AT72 B06 B105
B703 B732 B733 B734 B735 B737 B738 B742 B743 B744 B74S B752 B762 B763 B772
B77L B77W BALL C172 C500 CRJ7 DC10 DC3 DH3T E120 EC30 F100 F50 F70 H269 KA26 L101 LA4 MD11 MI8 P28A P68 RJ1H SW4
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Re: Golden oldie request corner

Post by Remco »

vallier wrote:
Hi Bryan:

This is what I found in our flightplandata:

Depart from Schiphol:
KL 1351 AMS-PRG 0710-0845 Operated by TRA B738 PH-HZD
KL 877 AMS-BKK / BKK-TPE 2045-1230+1 / 1340+1 1815+1 Operated by KLM B744 PH-BFM

Arrive at Schiphol:
2007-OCT-15* (But the flight arrives at Schiphol on OCT-16)
KL 878 TPE-BKK / BKK-AMS 1930-2205 / 2320-0545+1 Operated by KLM B744 PH-BFH
KL 1356 PRG-AMS 1520-1700 Operated by KLM F100 PH-KLG

Kind Regards,


First I would to thank you PapaKnotty!! Thanks for your help and your kindness!!!!

May I ask what is "our flightplandata"? Is it some paid service of Scramble? What information it holds??

Oh, about my KLM flight KL1351 on 16 Oct 2007 using TRA model, is it normal?
Is it possible to know whether the pilots and cabin crews were from KLM or Transavia? (KLM crew in KLM uniform or KLM crew in TRA uniform or...) KLM leased the aircraft, or...?
If would be nice to know the small details!

Hey I would like to thank everyone who helped and tried to help!!
I am so amazed by your comprehensive knowledge and ability!
Thank you guys! Dank!
No, it was not normal, but it happened on a regular basis at the time. It was due to the fact that we had som maintenance issues on the F100 fleet. Transavia came to help KLC out with some flights. It was flown with Transavia crew.

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Re: Golden oldie request corner

Post by vallier »


Thank you Remco for your kind explanation!!!! I do have a vague memory that I boared a Transavia flight! It's good to know the crew and the pilot are all Transavia too!!! So technically, I have flown with Transavia! Thank you!

Thank you PapaKnotty or your kindness to spend your time to check for the data for me and people like me!!! I am so obsessed with this kind of historical information ever since I knew about reg number. It's so cool to know which aircraft and its type that you have flown with!! It's even cooler when it's traceable!! When I received the information, it's like receiving a gift!!

Luckily now I know I can take a peek at the aircraft when boarding to get the reg number! Sometimes I notice I board an aircraft with special livery. Sometimes I notice I fly with the same aircraft again... When I pay more attention, taking a flight becomes more and more fun!

But for those flights I took earlier... I have to try to look for different places to get the answers!!! Anyone knows any similar forum that I can find info for flights in Indonesia, USA, Australia, and some Lufthansa flights (HKG,FRA,PRG,GRU)??

Thank you all guys! Have a nice Sunday!
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Re: Golden oldie request corner

Post by Ricardo 767-200ER »

Its along time ago but i would like to try it, i got some flights note in my KLM logbook and i would like to add the registrations.

07-OCT-1996 KL785 AMS-SXM-AUA 747-300 PH-BU*
22-OCT-1996 KL785 AUA-AMS 747-300 PH-BU*
07-OCT-1998 KL783 AMS-AUA 747-300 PH-BU*

Thanks in advance
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Re: Golden oldie request corner

Post by Reanimation »

Still missing some:

09/07/2006 AMS-KGS (07:00? Dep time) MP247? Was a 767, but not sure which registration!
20/07/2006 KGS-AMS Late afternoon dep, probably MP248 and a MD11. Exact times and registration unknown.
02/07/2005 AMS-ACE Was a MP A320, all other data unknown
16/07/2005 ACE-FUE-AMS Was a MP MD11, all other data unknown
2003 AMS-RHO, HV 753 (lsd from Condor) Most data is unknown, however I'm pretty positive this flight was on the 13 or 14th of July
2003 RHO-AMS HV 753 (lsd from Condor) Most data is unknown, however I'm pretty positive this flight was on the 27 or 28th of July

Departure/Arrival times would be lovely for these:

2002-06-10 HV6262 LPA AMS TRA B733 PH-TSZ
2002-06-03 HV6263 AMS LPA TRA B738 PH-HZK

Have some older data as well, but it's probably impossible to ever find those out :( (1996-1999)

Thanks in advance, for anyone who could help me out!
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Re: Golden oldie request corner

Post by Tarom »

Well, I try to fill in some gaps too. Most of these were KL flights, some others.

25-05-2006: AMS-OTP KL1389
20-05-2006: OTP-AMS KL1360
26-02-2006: OTP-AMS KL1390
02-10-2000: AMS-TXL KL1823
02-10-2000: TXL-AMS KL1830

05-09-1996: AMS-IST TC952
10-09-1996: IST-AMS TC951

Like Reanimation said, lots of older questions but I wait for the reply to see what possible.
Thanks in advance!
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Re: Golden oldie request corner

Post by cHabu »

Ik ben oude foto's aan het inscannen en kom net een foto tegen van CASA N9858H (msn C042), genomen op Schiphol-oost en volgens de 'stempel' achter op de foto moet dat voor 28-11-1999 zijn geweest.

Ik zoek de datum dat deze op Schiphol aanwezig was.

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Re: Golden oldie request corner

Post by gatso76 »

cHabu wrote:Ik ben oude foto's aan het inscannen en kom net een foto tegen van CASA N9858H (msn C042), genomen op Schiphol-oost en volgens de 'stempel' achter op de foto moet dat voor 28-11-1999 zijn geweest.
Ik zoek de datum dat deze op Schiphol aanwezig was.
Heb hem staan in mijn DB als gezien op vrijdag 12 november 1999 idd op Schiphol-Oost.
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Re: Golden oldie request corner

Post by cHabu »

gatso76 wrote:
cHabu wrote:Ik ben oude foto's aan het inscannen en kom net een foto tegen van CASA N9858H (msn C042), genomen op Schiphol-oost en volgens de 'stempel' achter op de foto moet dat voor 28-11-1999 zijn geweest.
Ik zoek de datum dat deze op Schiphol aanwezig was.
Heb hem staan in mijn DB als gezien op vrijdag 12 november 1999 idd op Schiphol-Oost.
Da's snel ;)

Zet ik die datum er bij, Thx.

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Re: Golden oldie request corner

Post by polderbaan »


ik kreeg van iemand de vraag of ik de regi's had van Aviogenex Tu134 van de volgende vluchten: AMS-Pula 27 augustus 1972 en Pula-AMS 10 september 1972.
Ik ben geen van beide dagen op Schiphol geweest, dus leg ik de vraag aan het forum voor.
Bij voorbaat dank voor een reactie.

Groeten van Ab Gobets.
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Re: Golden oldie request corner

Post by Roel »

Ik ben op zoek naar de registratie van de onderstaande vlucht:

04-06-2008 HV173/4 MAH STD 12:05Lt - STA 17:25Lt
Was dit toevallig de N739MA?

Alvast bedankt voor jullie antwoord.
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Re: Golden oldie request corner

Post by 330/340 »

Iemand voor de concorde die 03-07-1988 vertrok om p/m 17:00 uur ?
Mag hier of in een pm.
Foto als bewijs zou helemaal leuk zijn !!
Mijn dank is uiteraard GROOT.
Grtz, Jan
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