New website > comments, bugs etc

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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by Rockville »

B767-300ER wrote:Is het juist niet meer zo dat juist die eilanden niet meer onder Nederland vallen of heb ik de klok horen luiden en.....
Niels, Dat maakt niet uit. We zijn tenslotte, althans dat is mijn stelregel nooit te oud om te leren en ik leer nog iedere dag nieuwe dingen. :P
Sinds 10-10-10 zijn er een aantal veranderingen binnen het "Koninkrijk der Nederlanden".
De BES eilanden (Bonaire-St. Eustatius en Saba) zijn 'bijzondere openbare lichamen' (gemeenten) geworden, terwijl Aruba-Curacao en St. Maarten landen zijn geworden, maar nog steeds binnen het "Koninkrijk de Nederlanden".
Vandaar mijn opmerking.

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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by Thijs »

Glidepath wrote:Looking NOT good.

IMO y'all have put the site thru an utterly pointless graphics change, :evil: really butt-ugly sissy bi-colors.
Is this to stay? for real? :roll:
Off course not, all the hard work and efforts is only to torture you for some time....

Yes it is for real and yes we are open to suggestions. Comments like this will not result in any improvement of the website.


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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by Glidepath »

Understand the message, not how it is given.
the header says 'comments...' so here it straight-up: loose the bi-clour bars.
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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by jp 74 »

Hi Thijs,

In the start screen the "now on the message board" does not show anything on my ipad.
I need to get used to the new website but it looks more modern, thanks for your work!
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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by Paveway »

My compliments for the new website layout and functionality!
It really looks nice and refreshing, well done!

I have still a remark regarding the Scramble messageboard section.
Although this has nothing to do with the new website (layout), you could consider reducing the number of (sub)topics in the messageboard.
Sometimes I hear people (including myself) complaining that some info is missed because it is hidden somewhere down in one of the (sub)topics (not always posted in the right or logical topic...).
People simply do not have time to scan/check the many topics to find the most interesting info that you are looking for, but only the ones that you think are most valuable. The chance that you might miss some specific information is very likely...
I think reducing the number of (sub)topics already would help a lot; keep it simple, crisp and clear...'LESS IS MORE'! :wink:

This remark is not intended as negative comment but as feedback (probably shared with other people's opinion) to further improve efficiency.
Your volunteering work in setting up and maintaining the website is very much appreciated, keep up the good work! THANKS!
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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by Key »

Glidepath wrote:Understand the message, not how it is given.
Glidepath wrote:an utterly pointless graphics change, :evil: really butt-ugly sissy bi-colors.
Right... :mrgreen:

Having that settled, point taken. The new looks are here to appeal to a younger public as well, and these have been determined by knowledgeable people. Several comments make clear it works.
For us, rusty old die-hards in search for data as opposed to entertainment, the new looks can be distracting. Let's just give it time, ones gets used to the layout rather quickly I can tell you.

What's more important than all this: a lot of functionality has improved. Several of my fellow Scramblers have put an enormous amount of work in this new site, and when actually using it you will find much better functionality, many useful shortcuts, more data retrieveable and a highly improved log-in process. Bear with us for start-up problems, do keep those reports coming.

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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by Key »

Paveway wrote:'LESS IS MORE'!
Generally, I agree with this. We are trying to maintain the middle of the road here (you know, hardly anyone really happy, hardly anyone really disappointed :wink: ) and keep evaluating.
The downside to less topics is the immediate call for more topics as people have to work through 'so much info they do not need'... In other words, do not expect big changes, but we will go over this the coming weeks.

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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by Richard from Rotterdam »

Compliments for the new functionality of the website, easy to use and lots more data available at the click of a few buttons.

I would use a few different words to describe the layout compared to some comments above, but to me the graphics feel a bit outdated.

And what is the point of changing the URL from to It seems to me you're throwing away a much stronger URL, marketing-wise.
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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by Paveway »

Key wrote:Generally, I agree with this. We are trying to maintain the middle of the road here (you know, hardly anyone really happy, hardly anyone really disappointed :wink: ) and keep evaluating.
The downside to less topics is the immediate call for more topics as people have to work through 'so much info they do not need'... In other words, do not expect big changes, but we will go over this the coming weeks.

I fully understand that you have to compromise to keep everybody happy. :wink:

With appropriate limited (main)topics, people immediately can make a 'rough' selection what they will read and what they don't.
By reducing the number of (sub)topics the overview will be more clear and efficient how to go through the remaining info.
Of course this will only help when people have the discipline to choose a clear subject description before posting a new topic...

Thanks for taking into account my feedback!
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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by marcel32us »

Rockville wrote:In navolging op de posting van EHAM zou ik onder uw aandacht willen brengen, de bewegingen binnen het "Koninkrijk der Nederlanden" (Netherlands). Zou het een overweging kunnen zijn om de bewegingen van de BES-eilanden, Aruba, Curacao en Sint Maarten onder te gaan brengen bij "Spotting Netherlands"?
Hawaii is immers ook ondergebracht bij "Spotting Canada & USA"?
Het lijkt mij een keus om de zaak staatkundig correct te doen, of spot-technisch correct. Ik zou dan toch kiezen voor spot-technisch. De Antillen onder Nederland brengen zou staatkundig kloppen, maar spot-technisch is het veel te ver weg om op een movement te gaan reageren en erheen te gaan.

Lekker laten zoals het is wat mij betreft dus.

Verder moet ik ook wel even wennen aan de nieuwe kleuren, maar ervaar ik het geheel zeker positief. Well done guys!!
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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by Thijs »

The domain is still ours and redirect to the main page. In the mean time more logical URLs like will redirect to the orbats page etc.

IT wise, was less complicated.

@JP74 is the update section, below the now on our mb column, visible? I think it males use of the same technology. Anyone else with the same problems?


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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by jp 74 »

@JP74 is the update section, below the now on our mb column, visible? I think it males use of the same technology. Anyone else with the same problems?
Yep it is visible! Thanks!
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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by warbird_nl »

@JP74 is the update section, below the now on our mb column, visible? I think it males use of the same technology. Anyone else with the same problems?

When i go to the 'now on our messageboard' and 'Latest changes' section are filled with items. However, when i browse to these sections are empty. Also the title (in the tab, i use firefox) changes to "404 - Scramble", which can mean it throws an 404 error....


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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by theguide »

warbird_nl wrote:changes to "404 - Scramble", which can mean it throws an 404 error....
Or does the website show that we can expect Scramble 404 soon :?
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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by vonsmalhausen »

thanks for all the great work on the forum and website, i realy like the looks of it :scramble:
the only thing i'm missing are the very usefull POI files in the spottingguide section, but i understood that they will be added again soon, so with just a bit of patience i gues all be fine in time for the good weather days :toppie:
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