New website > comments, bugs etc

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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by ehusmann »

Thijs wrote:
Glidepath wrote:Looking NOT good.

IMO y'all have put the site thru an utterly pointless graphics change, :evil: really butt-ugly sissy bi-colors.
Is this to stay? for real? :roll:
Off course not, all the hard work and efforts is only to torture you for some time....

Yes it is for real and yes we are open to suggestions. Comments like this will not result in any improvement of the website.

In my opinion most of the design looks good and modern, not a bad job at all.
There are a couple of points though I think it can be improved. The two colour bars are very modern and often used, with the idea to create a 'glossy' look. However, in this case I think the colours are actually a little too far apart, creating not the glossy look, but a double bar look. If you would bring the colours a little closer, the look will improve a lot if you ask me.
Also, with those bars, the topic captions in the main menu bar are not vertically centered. This again breaks the glossy look, because the captions are now completely in the light color. Making them a little bigger and fully centered will improve the look again.
Finally, the sizing of the bar looks a bit awkward with the forum. On my laptop, the bar only stretches about 80% of the page, while the forum stretches 100%. On my iPad though, the bar stretches 100%, while the forum just not stretches 100%. I think it would be a lot better if the bar always stretches 100%, or is always horizontally centered. Now it looks more like two different layouts are copy pasted in to each other, withou giving thought to how it looks together.
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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by USAIR »

Am very impressed by the new look of the website , at first it was hard to navigate through but with time it will get easier , the only drawback is that I think in my humble opinion , the latest updates should be scalable so you don't have to navigate through the hole page and maybe the Header of the Webpage might be slight redesigned and updated every month with a new picture just like the magazine does. - These are just my two cents - looking good otherwise
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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by PH-BRAD »

Is it me or is the background of the forum much brighter than it used to be? I liked the grayish background better.

But I have to say, it's a very nice site I really like it!

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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by Key »

Thanks gents, for your positive input. We do evaluate all of this but not everything can be implemented, of course. I am hardly involved in the site design myself, so I must refrain from specifics, but I can see there is really a lot of useful feedback.

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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by Richard from Rotterdam »

Thijs wrote:The domain is still ours and redirect to the main page. In the mean time more logical URLs like will redirect to the orbats page etc.

IT wise, was less complicated.

Although I do understand the reasoning from an IT-department point of view, for the branding of a website that's not an answer you'd like to hear...
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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by Key »

The good news is: this is temporary. From what I understand, we are waiting for a provider action, enabling us to move the whole new site to the old and strong url. will return! 8)

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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by e2a2j »

A wiki link seems to have been lost in the transition to the new website: ... 18s_by_Lot

Is it possible to fix? Thanks.

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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by Antheii »

Hi e2,

But it looks like the wiki wasn't included (yet?) in the transition to the new website.

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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by Numbercruncher »


1. In de mil-db bevinden zich langere nummers dan er momenteel worden weergegeven. Voorbeeld:
Uit de Czechische luchtmacht-database:
2406 MiG-23ML 0390322406/1601 Kbely museum Preserved dec02 sep06
(Achter '1601' staat nog een digit)

2. In het forum kun je alleen posten als geregistreerde bezoeker. Uiteraard log ik niet automatisch in (dat vink ik wel aan, maar helaas), en dus moet ik als ik een reply wil intikken (zoals deze) eerst inloggen. Helaas onthoudt-ie dan niet waar ik was, en kan ik dus terug naar het forum, dan naar het subject, en dan naar reply. Volgens mij kan dat sneller...

EDIT: ff gezocht bij phpBB: ... in_return/


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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by B767-300ER »

Dan ik ook nog maar even.....

De mobiele versie heeft nog de oude uitvoering?!

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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by Thijs »


Puntje 1 gaan we aanpassen
Puntje 2 wordt aan gewerkt
Puntje 3 we wilden de mobiele versie graag zo houden onder het motto: snel gemakkelijk efficient etc de mobiele versie weg doen / aanpassen zou een achteruitgang zijn.

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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by Wellhead »

Dear Moderators

I'am having trouble logging in as a subscriber, some how I get redirected to an other page where I have to log in again which is also not working. I've even changed to a new password but this has not helped either.
I have also registered my scramble subscription number a few weeks ago and until today this has worked fine.
Is it possible for you to look in to this problem my log in name is Wellhead?


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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by Flyboeing »

Same issue for me. I can login on the forum, but not on the site.
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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by Arnoud »

Scramble-dudes : You did a great job, the website looks more proffesional and things are easier to find.

But I still found an error. While clicking in Airfield guide on the link "complete maps of all the aircraft stands at Schiphol" , no map will appear.


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Re: New website > comments, bugs etc

Post by Antheii »


On it doesn't show the link to the reports page (Schiphol movements & show reports), although it shows when you hover over DATA in the menu bar. And I guess not all browsers (especially the mobile ones) support this hover thingy, so they're lost to get to those pages.


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