In my opinion most of the design looks good and modern, not a bad job at all.Thijs wrote:Off course not, all the hard work and efforts is only to torture you for some time....Glidepath wrote:Looking NOT good.
IMO y'all have put the site thru an utterly pointless graphics change,really butt-ugly sissy bi-colors.
Is this to stay? for real?
Yes it is for real and yes we are open to suggestions. Comments like this will not result in any improvement of the website.
There are a couple of points though I think it can be improved. The two colour bars are very modern and often used, with the idea to create a 'glossy' look. However, in this case I think the colours are actually a little too far apart, creating not the glossy look, but a double bar look. If you would bring the colours a little closer, the look will improve a lot if you ask me.
Also, with those bars, the topic captions in the main menu bar are not vertically centered. This again breaks the glossy look, because the captions are now completely in the light color. Making them a little bigger and fully centered will improve the look again.
Finally, the sizing of the bar looks a bit awkward with the forum. On my laptop, the bar only stretches about 80% of the page, while the forum stretches 100%. On my iPad though, the bar stretches 100%, while the forum just not stretches 100%. I think it would be a lot better if the bar always stretches 100%, or is always horizontally centered. Now it looks more like two different layouts are copy pasted in to each other, withou giving thought to how it looks together.