EHEH 12-06-2013 MIL

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EHEH 12-06-2013 MIL

Post by Nielis »

ROF108 C27J 2703 ETA 14:55LT ETD 17:10LT
PLF042 C295 012 ETA 15:30LT ETD 16:10LT
IAM1400 P180 ETA 15:00LT
SUI070 C56X T784 ETA 16:00LT ETD 17:10LT
RRR1774 H25B ZD621 ETA 16:30LT 17:30LT
CEF107 L410 2602 ETA 12:50LT ETD 15:00LT
AME0305 C560 TR.20-01 ETA 01:05LT op de 13de (dit kan niet volgens mij dus verbaasd mij niks als die zo in 1 keer binnen komt vallen)
TUAF133 C650 004 ETA 16:45LT
CTM3824 TBM7 ETA 18:05LT ETD 19:33LT
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Re: EHEH 12-06-2013 MIL

Post by gustav »

Logged with sbs around 12:40
48D84E Polish Air force
02 Bartok98 C-17 (again around 14:30)

SBS logged so not sure if correct.

Further IAM1400 MM62200 P180 landed a bit earlier around 14:35

And now inbound 012 Polish air force ETA 15:20
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Re: EHEH 12-06-2013 MIL

Post by gustav »

Nielis wrote: AME0305 C560 TR.20-01 ETA 01:05LT op de 13de (dit kan niet volgens mij dus verbaasd mij niks als die zo in 1 keer binnen komt vallen)
Yep, short final nu denk ik.
Call sign "101"
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Re: EHEH 12-06-2013 MIL

Post by Stephan Lodewijks »

A quiet afternoon at Eindhoven today... 8)

LX-N90456 E-3A NAEW&CF ‘Nato 09’, * 1220LT, /ETNG
CH-13 C-130H Flt Tactical Transport/15 Wing ‘BAF 674’, * 1225LT
2602 L.410UVP-E 242.tsl ‘CEF 107’, 1235LT/1400LT, apron East
080002/02 C-17A HAW/SAC ‘Bartok 98’, 1315LT/1400LT, 1440LT/, apron West
2x SE.3160 300 Sqn ‘Bluebird 11 formation’, * 1345LT, De Peel/, crossing EHEH CTR East>West
L-05 PC-7 131 EMVO Sqn ‘Diamond 15’, * 1420LT, /EHWO
2703 C-27J Flotila 90 Tra ‘ROF 108’, 1425LT/1725LT, apron East, /EHVK, [gy]
MM-62200 P.180AM 14 St ‘IAM 1400’, 1435LT/, apron East
012 C.295M 13.elt ‘PLF 042’, 1530LT/1610LT, apron East, [gy/gy camo]
T-784 Ce.560XL LTDB ‘SUI 070’, 1600LT/1620LT, apron East
ZD621 HS.125 CC.3 32 (TR)Sqn ‘RRR 1774’, 1615LT/1650LT, apron East
004 Ce.650 212 Filo/12 HUAU ‘TUAF 133’, 1645LT/, apron East
147/XS TBM 700A ET 03.060 ‘CTM 3824’, 1745LT/, apron East
TR.20-01/403-11 Ce.560 403 Esc ‘AME 0305’, 1755LT/, apron East

G-275 C-130H-30 334 Sqn ‘Bull 01’, 1235LT/1355LT, apron East, air power demo Volkel
T-235 KDC.10 334 Sqn ‘NAF 65’, 1350LT/, apron East, air power demo Volkel
V-11 Gulfstream IV 334 Sqn ‘NAF 11’, 1730LT/, apron East
G-273 C-130H-30 334 Sqn, towed from 336 Sqn-hangar at apron East to apron West, later towed back to apron East, [special tail: “1913-2013 – 100 – de tijd vliegt – 336 Black Bulls”]
G-781 C-130H 334 Sqn, apron East

Non operational:
J-235 F-16A ex KLu, inside opened hangar, apron West, [312 Sqn badge]
C-8 F.27-300M ex 334 Sqn, inside opened hangar, apron West, [F.27 Display Team]

Thanks for the heads up Nielis, great! And thanks for some of the subtypes and unit descriptions! 13 nationalities represented militarily in one afternoon...I think it's a first for Eindhoven.

Last edited by Stephan Lodewijks on 12 Jun 2013, 22:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EHEH 12-06-2013 MIL

Post by Bennie »

Stephan Lodewijks wrote:A quiet afternoon at Eindhoven today... 8)

Thanks for the heads up Nielis, great! And thanks for some of the subtypes and unit descriptions! 13 nationalities represented militarily in one afternoon...I think it's a first for Eindhoven.

Disregarding the airshows in e.g. 1986 & 1993 I guess.....
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Re: EHEH 12-06-2013 MIL

Post by SG Berlicum »

At about 19.30 another "bizjet" came in while I was driving on the A2. A civil one I guess?
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Re: EHEH 12-06-2013 MIL

Post by Stephan Lodewijks »

SG Berlicum wrote:At about 19.30 another "bizjet" came in while I was driving on the A2. A civil one I guess?
Unreported, but I think it was a civ.

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Re: EHEH 12-06-2013 MIL

Post by Stephan Lodewijks »

Bennie wrote:
Stephan Lodewijks wrote:A quiet afternoon at Eindhoven today... 8)

Thanks for the heads up Nielis, great! And thanks for some of the subtypes and unit descriptions! 13 nationalities represented militarily in one afternoon...I think it's a first for Eindhoven.

Disregarding the airshows in e.g. 1986 & 1993 I guess.....
Yep, outside the airshows :wink:

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Re: EHEH 12-06-2013 MIL

Post by gustav »

SG Berlicum wrote:At about 19.30 another "bizjet" came in while I was driving on the A2. A civil one I guess?
Was de PH-FJK C25B kwam van Schiphol
Call sign "101"
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