Marcel, there is nothing wrong with your type recognitionmarcel32us wrote:Thanks for that LOL.patrick dirksen wrote:On Saturday there were only two on the static, 56+81 and 57+30, no sign of a third one. There was also a P.149 in between them (90+04), but I don't want to insult you by suggesting that was the third aircraft you saw..I saw 3 Do.27's on Friday, but I've only got 2 in my log, anyone for all three?
I 'm pretty sure I saw a third one parked near the Yak.52's. But then again, maybe it was moved to the static afterwards. We did do the shelter area inbetween sightings...
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57+30 was indeed parked near the Yak-52's, it moved later in the afternoon (around 16.00) to the static area.
regards, Hilco