Exercise "Roaring Thunder" Noordoost Polder
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Exercise "Roaring Thunder" Noordoost Polder
AREA NOORDOOST POLDER: 525033N0054034E - 524922N0060402E -
524244N0055904E - 524102N0055846E - 523946N0060019E -
523716N0060704E - 523030N0060422E - 523124N0053514E -
524546N0053542E - 525033N0054034E BTN GND/FL065.
DAILY 0730-1400, 1700-2030, 23 SEP 07:30 2013 UNTIL 25 SEP 20:30 2013. CREATED:
16 SEP 08:13 2013
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AREA NOORDOOST POLDER: 525033N0054034E - 524922N0060402E -
524244N0055904E - 524102N0055846E - 523946N0060019E -
523716N0060704E - 523030N0060422E - 523124N0053514E -
524546N0053542E - 525033N0054034E BTN GND/FL065.
DAILY 0730-1400, 1700-2030, 23 SEP 07:30 2013 UNTIL 25 SEP 20:30 2013. CREATED:
16 SEP 08:13 2013
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Re: Exercise "Roaring Thunder" Noordoost Polder
Dear outpost can you please tell us where you found this information? Do you have a link for us?
Will be nice to know a little more about this exercise or do you have some more info concerning helicopter types and how many choppers will participate?
Most important thing that i would like to know: Are they only flying low level or can we expact some landings and dropping of personel?
Thanks in advance.
Outpost thanks for sharing your info with us.
Will be nice to know a little more about this exercise or do you have some more info concerning helicopter types and how many choppers will participate?
Most important thing that i would like to know: Are they only flying low level or can we expact some landings and dropping of personel?
Thanks in advance.
Outpost thanks for sharing your info with us.
- Flyboy
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Re: Exercise "Roaring Thunder" Noordoost Polder
The above text seems NOTAM text, which may be obtained through various websites as homebriefing.nl or notams.nl. Notams are published for aviation safety so pilots know what plaves to avoid. The notams are not ment for spotters anouncements ans which type to expect. In case you want to consult the notams, best chances are in the en route part.
At least you know when and where to hunt ... happy hunting
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At least you know when and where to hunt ... happy hunting
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Re: Exercise "Roaring Thunder" Noordoost Polder
If more info becomes avalible i will post it here.kmarrie wrote:Dear outpost can you please tell us where you found this information? Do you have a link for us?
Will be nice to know a little more about this exercise or do you have some more info concerning helicopter types and how many choppers will participate?
Most important thing that i would like to know: Are they only flying low level or can we expact some landings and dropping of personel?
Thanks in advance.
In Dutch
http://www.omroepflevoland.nl/Nieuws/10 ... ngekondigd
Outpost thanks for sharing your info with us.
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- Thijs
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Re: Exercise "Roaring Thunder" Noordoost Polder
And there is much more available at various public websites. But as with most things in life, you have to take some effort. It seems nowadays everything has to be presented at a "presentpaper".Flyboy wrote:The above text seems NOTAM text, which may be obtained through various websites as homebriefing.nl or notams.nl. Notams are published for aviation safety so pilots know what plaves to avoid. The notams are not ment for spotters anouncements ans which type to expect. In case you want to consult the notams, best chances are in the en route part.
At least you know when and where to hunt ... happy hunting
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Assume makes an ASS of U and ME.
Re: Exercise "Roaring Thunder" Noordoost Polder
I have been searching on the www and the only thing i can find is something about some apaches that were seen in markenesse last week. If i am putting all the coordinates in google earth it will give my a very big area that is as big as almost the whole noordoostpolder. So far i coudn't find any info concerning a possible landing spot or a specific location near a village or town where those helicopter movements can be expected.
But never mind. If i still want to know something more about exact locations i will probably call the PIO of EHGR to see if she can help me.
For those who are planning a trip to the noordoostpolder. Have fun and happy hunting.
Again Outpost, thank you very much for bringing this under our attention.
Tomorrow i will search on the mindef intranet if i can find some more info. If so i will share it in this topic.
Greetings ralph
I have been searching on the www and the only thing i can find is something about some apaches that were seen in markenesse last week. If i am putting all the coordinates in google earth it will give my a very big area that is as big as almost the whole noordoostpolder. So far i coudn't find any info concerning a possible landing spot or a specific location near a village or town where those helicopter movements can be expected.
But never mind. If i still want to know something more about exact locations i will probably call the PIO of EHGR to see if she can help me.
For those who are planning a trip to the noordoostpolder. Have fun and happy hunting.
Again Outpost, thank you very much for bringing this under our attention.
Tomorrow i will search on the mindef intranet if i can find some more info. If so i will share it in this topic.
Greetings ralph
Re: Exercise "Roaring Thunder" Noordoost Polder
http://www.flevopost.nl/nieuws/noordoos ... older.html
Took me about 20seconds ...
Have fun!!! Pictures or it didn't happen ...

Took me about 20seconds ...
Have fun!!! Pictures or it didn't happen ...

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Re: Exercise "Roaring Thunder" Noordoost Polder
Dank Purple, maar nu weet hij nog net zo veel...
Re: Exercise "Roaring Thunder" Noordoost Polder
Holy Macaroni!!!!.. no, he knows more ...
De vliegbewegingen van twee Apaches vinden plaats van maandag 23 tot en met woensdag 25 september van 9.00 tot 16.30 uur en van 18.30 tot 22.30 uur in de omgeving van de Noordoostpolder en Noordwest-Zwolle. In het aangewezen oefengebied mag zo laag worden gevlogen als voor het doel van de oefening noodzakelijk is.
It's about 2 Apaches...and Apaches never land in the field unless they are broke .... So you have a huge area and two apaches to find... goodluck!!!!

De vliegbewegingen van twee Apaches vinden plaats van maandag 23 tot en met woensdag 25 september van 9.00 tot 16.30 uur en van 18.30 tot 22.30 uur in de omgeving van de Noordoostpolder en Noordwest-Zwolle. In het aangewezen oefengebied mag zo laag worden gevlogen als voor het doel van de oefening noodzakelijk is.
It's about 2 Apaches...and Apaches never land in the field unless they are broke .... So you have a huge area and two apaches to find... goodluck!!!!

- Wildpicture
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Re: Exercise "Roaring Thunder" Noordoost Polder
de vrijstelling van de minimum vlieghoogte geldt alleen voor die delen van de vlucht die voor het doel van de vlucht noodzakelijk zijn.