Nationaal Militair Museum Soesterberg

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Re: Nationaal Militair Museum Soesterberg

Post by aviodromefriend »

Bassie76 wrote:Jammer dat een groot aantal kisten 'aan het plafond komen te hangen'. Er om heen lopen is er dus niet meer bij....
Ik weet niet meer waar (ik denk maar ik heb ergens gelezen dat er een soort loopbrug omheen zou worden gebouwd (op de hoogte waarop de kisten komen te hangen).
De Zamboni heeft kramp in zijn achterwiel
Jan Maarten Smeets, Heerenveen 31 oktober 2009
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Re: Nationaal Militair Museum Soesterberg

Post by Stratofreighter »

Volgens is de status van de F-100 Super Sabre en de F-102 Delta Dagger niet helemaal zeker.
Beiden staan nu nog buiten op het Kamp van Zeist, maar of ze ook zullen meeverhuizen naar de vliegbasis :?:

Wie de vorderingen van de bouw van het museum wil volgen
:arrow: per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Nationaal Militair Museum Soesterberg

Post by 11E »

Today (10-4-2013) I was in the museum and 2 air force technicians and one civilian were taking apart the F-102. The external fueltanks were removed and one was busy removing the plates on the tail to get access to the connection points. According to one of them it was because it was one of the planes which were transported to 'the other side''.

Maybe there is hope that this Deuce will survive....

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Re: Nationaal Militair Museum Soesterberg

Post by Stratofreighter »

Regarding the F-100 Super Sabre and the F-102 Delta Dagger, see here: ... #post38649
Het MLM geeft aan dat deze uitspraak onjuist is. Alle toestellen van het 32e komen in de collectie.
I sincerely hope so :!: per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Nationaal Militair Museum Soesterberg

Post by Stratofreighter »

The F-102 Delta Dagger was positioned between the "Snijdershal" and the "Vreeburghal" this Sunday 28 april. Both outer wing panels were missing, plus some smaller bits.
Be polite and considerate if you want to pass through the "bouwhekken" that fence off this jet and the "miniature boat basin". :wink:

For those wanting to go to the "post-war/Cold-war" hangar before it closes after Friday the 3rd of May 2013:
:arrow: ... nifestatie .
Yes, LOTS of tables are positioned right in front of the various jets and other aircraft in the "Vreeburghal".
Only the small helicopters are still "free/unobstructed". :(

The Snijdershal seems to be devoid of tables full of models though. But this hall is still open until the 30th of June.

The museum is closed on the 4th and 5th of May because of some ceremonies.
Ø Maandag 29 april 10.00 uur tot 16.30 uur

Ø Dinsdag 30 april gesloten

Ø Woensdag t/m vrijdag 3 mei van 10.00 uur t/m 16.30 uur ... and&id=256
Op 6 mei 2013 sluiten de Ir. Vreeburghal/"Cold War" en het Flying Centre de deuren voor publiek.

De Generaal Snijdershal blijft wel geopend. In deze hal wordt de geschiedenis en ontwikkeling getoond van de Militaire Luchtvaart, vanaf het prille begin in 1913 tot en met het einde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog.
U blijft tot en met 30 juni 2013 van harte welkom per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Nationaal Militair Museum Soesterberg

Post by RichardsWork »


I visited the museum last week
To everybody's surprise the tables for the modeling event were already in place.

With permission from the staff ,I made some pictures from inside the fences but the tables are still visible.
it was the last oppurtunity.

Photoset impression on Yahoo ... 348926792/

Photoset recarding the storage area this year : ... 180095650/

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Re: Nationaal Militair Museum Soesterberg

Post by Wijgert IJlst »

During 2011 the news came out that the Militaire Luchtvaart Museum (MLM) in Soesterberg had acquired a former RCAF Canadian CT-114 Tutor. Since then I have never heard anything about this, nor have I seen logs/sightings of this bird or a reported serial of the supposed aircraft.
Can any one shine a light on this subject? Is it already present in one of the hangars of Soesterberg, is it still expected to arrive, or has this plan been cancelled in the meanwhile?
Kind Regards / Groeten,

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Re: Nationaal Militair Museum Soesterberg

Post by RichardsWork »

One more week at the present location

The Ir.Vreeburgh hall is open ,but just only the shop area.
The collection here is being prepared for transportation. Most aircrarft already lost the outer wings

The other display hall is only open for just another week untill june 30th.

Just a small impression this weekend incl some small video's ... 287143792/

a few pics will be added later

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Re: Nationaal Militair Museum Soesterberg

Post by Stratofreighter »

In aanvulling op bovenstaande: het winkeltje in de "Koude Oorlog-hal" houdt uitverkoop. Fikse kortingen, vaak tot minstens 40 of zelfs 50 procent :!:

De schappen zijn dan ook al behoorlijk leeg. De shop is dezer dagen tot 16.15 uur open.

Vanuit het "winkel-gedeelte" is er door grootmazige bouwhekken goed te kijken op de na-oorlogse vliegtuigen die nog niet zijn weggehaald. per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Nationaal Militair Museum Soesterberg

Post by Stratofreighter »

Foto: ... ss_600.jpg ... P-6_Hawk-I
GILZE-RIJEN - Vrijwilligers van de Stichting Koninklijke Luchtmacht Historische Vlucht in Gilze-Rijen werken momenteel aan de assemblage van een replica van de Curtiss P-6 Hawk-I.
Dergelijke vliegtuigen vlogen voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog bij de Indische Luchtvaartafdeeling (LVA).

De replica is geschilderd in de kleuren van de LVA en zal binnenkort worden gepresenteerd aan de Vrienden van het Militaire Luchtvaart Museum. per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Nationaal Militair Museum Soesterberg

Post by Rene Peteri »

@NMMSoesterberg: Maandag rond 22.00 uur gaan er 3 vliegtuigen op transport. Vertrek Kampweg Soesterberg, op naar het NMM.
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Re: Nationaal Militair Museum Soesterberg

Post by Stratofreighter »

According to ... ers-fotos/
the last six aircraft to be moved have now been transported to Soesterberg as of 24/25 November 2014.

More pictures of these "Road Trips" :?: ... esterberg/

A repeat of the dates:

Official Opening with the "King of Holland" Willem-Alexander on Thursday the 11th of December 2014.

First Public Days in the weekend of 13/14 December.
Ticket prices: ... n/tickets/
Kom ook naar de opening!

13 en 14 december 2014 van 10 – 16.30 uur: Opening Park Vliegbasis Soesterberg

Neem een kijkje en ontdek zelf de geheimen, toegang is gratis!
Entrance will certainly NOT be free after this first public weekend... :|

EDIT: It now seems the museum containing the aircraft themselves will NOT be free of entrance. :(
Yes, you will have to pull your money purse and fork out some Euros I'm afraid...
Last edited by Stratofreighter on 25 Nov 2014, 20:18, edited 1 time in total. per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Nationaal Militair Museum Soesterberg

Post by Alpha Kilo One »

Don't make a mistake. Park will be and stay free. But the museum will NOT be free, even not free in opening weekend.

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"Nix bliev wie it es"
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Re: Nationaal Militair Museum Soesterberg

Post by Wijgert IJlst »

Haven't seen a report on the new museum yet, so I try to give you all an overview what I noted last week:

Inside NMM:
Farman (replica)
F266 Fokker D.VIII (replica)
A10 DH82A
429 Koolhoven FK51 (replica)
"X-24" Do.24T
L-2-38/I Lockheed L12A (former fake "L2-100")
H307 P-51D
H1 Spitfire
M-464 B-25J
C.319 P-6 Hawk I (replica)
B-3107 Brewster Buffalo (replica)
P-226 F-84F
J-... F-16A (cockpit section)
N-144 Hunter
I-69 Meteor
221 Fokker DXX1 (replica)
D-8022 F-104G
K-3020 NF-5A
"77-132"/CR F-15A
131 Sea Hawk
642 Sea Fury
134 SH-34J
J-215 F-16A
H-20 SA.316B
B-37 Bo.105CB
O-36 OH-23C
"T-443" C-47A

Outside NMM / Park Vliegbasis Soesterberg:
"3W-B" Spitfire (replica)
C-10 F-27-300M
"250/V" Atlantic
201/V SP-2H
"61032" F-102A
"25285" F-86F

Stored far side near storage hangar:
(Q-283) F-86K (on trailer)
(D-8245) F-104G (on trailer)

I don't want to start an discussion on types, fake/real ID's or replies on true ID's of these airframes. I know all that... but was to lazy to add it here. This log will give you an good idea what to expect when you visit, I hope.
Kind Regards / Groeten,

Wijgert IJlst
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