NEWS - Winterschedule 2014/2015

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Re: NEWS - Winterschedule 2014/2015

Post by XYZ »

Though initially only planned as a Summer route, KLM has decided to make AMS-BIO a year-round route with a new Winter flight:

- dep. AMS 14:40 - arr. BIO 16:50 KL 1687 daily E90 Non-Stop
- dep. BIO 17:25 - arr. AMS 19:35 KL 1688 daily E90 Non-Stop

This winter KLM plans to introduce the B737 to Toulouse:

- dep. AMS 10:05 - arr. TLS 11:55 KL 1303 daily B73W Non-Stop (E90 on Saturday)
- dep. TLS 12:40 - arr. AMS 14:40 KL 1304 daily B73W Non-Stop (E90 on Saturday)

FlyBe is increasing frequency on EMA-AMS-EMA to 8x/week with a new Saturday service:

- dep. AMS 11:55 - arr. EMA 12:20 BE 1096 DH4 Non-Stop Saturday
- dep. AMS 14:45 - arr. EMA 15:05 BE 1098 DH4 Non-Stop Saturday = NEW
- dep. AMS 16:00 - arr. EMA 16:25 BE 1096 DH4 Non-Stop Daily ex.Saturday

KLM plans to operate AMS-ATH 9x week with a 2x/week morning service:

- dep. AMS 08:45 - arr. ATH 12:55 KL 1573 B737 Non-Stop Thu & Sun only
- dep. AMS 12:00 - arr. ATH 16:10 KL 1575 B737 Non-Stop daily
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Re: NEWS - Winterschedule 2014/2015

Post by phkza »

New on the Corendon Dutch Airlines scheme:

Aqaba (weekly)
Lanzarote (weekly)
Fuerteventura (weekly)
Marsa Alam (...)

Also, Corendon (touroperator) is introducing 4x/w flights to Dubai, operated by Transavia.

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Re: NEWS - Winterschedule 2014/2015

Post by XYZ »

Delta has released a new Winter schedule for W14/15, which includes - for the 1st time - a second flight on BOS-AMS-BOS on certain days of the week in November:

- dep. BOS 4:55PM - arr. AMS 5:50AM DL 266 Nonstop A333 Thu, Fri, Sat
- dep. BOS 6:40PM - arr. AMS 7:40AM DL 230 Nonstop A333 daily

- dep. AMS 11.10 - arr. BOS 13.00 Delta 0231 A330-300 Daily
- dep. AMS 14.55 - arr. BOS 16.45 Delta 0267 A330-300 Fri, Sat, Sun,

In addition EWR-AMS-EWR and PDX-AMS-PDX will operate daily instead of 5x/week in November.

United is reducing frequency on ORD-AMS to 5x/week (daily ex. Mon, Wed) and IAD-AMS to 6x/week (daily ex.Wed) in the month of December.
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Re: NEWS - Winterschedule 2014/2015

Post by XYZ »

EUROLOT has released its Winter timetable for Krakow-AMS and Gdansk-AMS, with increases on both routes:

AMS-KRK = plus 2x frequency/week:
- dep. AMS 10:20 - arr. KRK 12:40 K2 412 Non-Stop DH4 Mon-Thu
- dep. AMS 11:10 - arr. KRK 13:30 K2 412 Non-Stop DH4 Friday only
- dep. AMS 16:55 - arr. KRK 19:15 K2 418 Non-Stop DH4 Sunday only

AMS-GDN = plus 1x frequency/week:
- dep. AMS 10:15 - arr. GDN 12:30 K2 312 Non-Stop DH4 Tue-Thu
- dep. AMS 11:05 - arr. GDN 13:20 K2 312 Non-Stop DH4 Friday only
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Re: NEWS - Winterschedule 2014/2015

Post by XYZ »

Air Lituanica plans to continue operating VNO-AMS-VNO on a daily basis in Winter 2014:

- dep. VNO 07:00 - arr. AMS 08:25 LT 511 Non-Stop E75 daily
- dep. AMS 09:05 - arr. VNO 12:10 LT 512 Non-Stop E75 daily

This routes re-opens on 31 August 2014.
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Re: NEWS - Winterschedule 2014/2015

Post by XYZ »

XYZ wrote:In W14/15 KLM will increase frequency on AMS-MEX-AMS to 10x/week:

- dep. AMS 12:30 - arr. MEX 17:15 KL687 B74C Mon, Thu, Sat
- dep. AMS 14:35 - arr. MEX 19:25 KL689 B74C Daily

And it seems KLM will introduce a 2nd KL service AMS-ATL-AMS KL623 with A332 in the Winter season 5x/week. Delta maintains its own 2x/daily so overall service to ATL will be 4x daily in Winter.

- dep. AMS 09:15 - arr. ATL 13:00 KL0623 A332 Mon, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
- dep. ATL 15:35 - arr. AMS 05:45 KL0624 A332 Mon, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

- dep. AMS 16:40 - arr. ATL 20:20 KL0621 A333 daily
- dep. ATL 22:45 - arr. AMS 13:00 KL0622 A333 daily

KLM has updated its Winter schedule and plans to further expand capacity AMS-ATL even further with the B772 operating the late KL621 departure to AT (was 332 in W13), in addition to the NEW 5x/weekly A332 KL 623 early morning departure. This is an increase in frequency and capacity for AMS-ATL.
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Re: NEWS - Winterschedule 2014/2015

Post by XYZ »

KLM plans to operate A333 on AMS-AUH-BAH this winter:

- dep. AMS 10:40 - arr. AUH 20:15 KL 0437 Non-Stop A332 Wed, Fri, Sun
- dep. AMS 10:40 - arr. AUH 20:15 KL 0437 Non-Stop A333 Mon, Tue, Thu, Sat

Surprising news from KLM for the route AMS-JRO-DAR this winter and perhaps indicative of the increasing competitive forces from EK, QR and EY, KLM will reduce frequency on the JRO-DAR route from daily down to just 4x/week. In W12 KLM operated 9x/weekly AMS-JRO with 2x MD11 non-stop AMS-JRO-AMS. The daily KQ B773 could also have an effect.

- dep. AMS 10:15 - arr. DAR 22:50 KL 0567 A332 via JRO Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun

The route AMS-KGL-EBB is also being reduced from daily to 4x/week:

- dep. AMS 10:05 - arr. EBB 22:20 KL 0537 A332 via KGL Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun
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Re: NEWS - Winterschedule 2014/2015

Post by XYZ »

XYZ wrote:KLM plans to operate A333 on AMS-AUH-BAH this winter:

- dep. AMS 10:40 - arr. AUH 20:15 KL 0437 Non-Stop A332 Wed, Fri, Sun
- dep. AMS 10:40 - arr. AUH 20:15 KL 0437 Non-Stop A333 Mon, Tue, Thu, Sat

Surprising news from KLM for the route AMS-JRO-DAR this winter and perhaps indicative of the increasing competitive forces from EK, QR and EY, KLM will reduce frequency on the JRO-DAR route from daily down to just 4x/week. In W12 KLM operated 9x/weekly AMS-JRO with 2x MD11 non-stop AMS-JRO-AMS. The daily KQ B773 could also have an effect.

- dep. AMS 10:15 - arr. DAR 22:50 KL 0567 A332 via JRO Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun

The route AMS-KGL-EBB is also being reduced from daily to 4x/week:

- dep. AMS 10:05 - arr. EBB 22:20 KL 0537 A332 via KGL Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun
It turns out KLM has released its new East Africa schedule for W14 slowly, as some new flights have appeared in the schedules yesterday. Overall service increases to:
- DAR 3x/week non-stop with A332 & 4x/week via JRO with A333
- EBB 3x/week non-stop A332 & 4x week via KGL with A332
- JRO 4x week via DAR with A333 and 3x/week via KGL with A333
- KGL 4x/week via EBB with A332 and 3x/week via JRO with A333

NEW flights:
- AMS-EBB-AMS non-stop in both directions 3x/week A332 Tue, Thu, Sat
- AMS-DAR-AMS non-stop inboth directions 3x/week A332 Tue, Thu, Sat
- AMS-JRO-KGL-AMS 3x/week A333 Tue, Thu, Sat

The Overall capacity increase = 3x/week A332 to East Africa.
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Re: NEWS - Winterschedule 2014/2015

Post by XYZ »

In addition to new destination Bilbao, KLM has now also decided to turn the new seasonal AMS-ZAG-AMS into an all year operation in Winter 2014:

- dep. AMS 14:20 - arr. ZAG 16:20 E90 daily
- dep. ZAG 16.55 - arr. AMS 19.05 E90 daily
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Re: NEWS - Winterschedule 2014/2015

Post by XYZ »

Delta has released a new W14 schedule, which introduces some changes in flight numbers, aircraft and capacity for AMS:

- 3x B772 both LR and ER versions

- arr. Delta 0072 AMS 8:15am Airbus A330-300 daily
- arr. Delta 0074 AMS 10:50am Boeing 777-200LR daily

- arr. Delta 0132 AMS 5:55am Airbus A330-200 daily
- arr. Delta 0134 AMS 8:30am Airbus A330-300 daily
- arr. Delta 0138 AMS 11:15am Boeing 777-200LR daily

- arr. Delta 0160 AMS 6:35am Airbus A330-300 daily
- arr. Delta 0162 AMS 10:30am Boeing 777-200LR daily

- arr. Delta 0124 AMS 7:40am Airbus A330-300 daily (2nd service has been cancelled)

- arr. JFK Delta 0446 AMS 5:55am Airbus A330-300 daily
- arr. EWR Delta 0140 AMS 8:05am Boeing 767-300 (winglets) daily ex. Wed & Fri

- arr. Delta 0142 AMS 8:15am Airbus A330-300 daily

- arr. Delta 0178 AMS 8:30am Boeing 767-300 (winglets) daily ex.Tue & Thu

- arr. Delta 0049 AMS 6:55am Airbus A330-300 daily
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Re: NEWS - Winterschedule 2014/2015

Post by XYZ »

Skyworks has announced a reduction in flights this winter between Bern-AMS-BRN, from 6x to 4x weekly.
Strangle enough - according to the schedules - the flights operate on different days out/return:

- dep. BRN 13:55 - arr. AMS 15:35 Do328 Mon, Thu, Fri, Sun
- dep. AMS 16:15 - arr. BRN 17:50 Do328 Tue, Wed, Sat, Sun
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Re: NEWS - Winterschedule 2014/2015

Post by James »

XYZ wrote:Skyworks has announced a reduction in flights this winter between Bern-AMS-BRN, from 6x to 4x weekly.
Strangle enough - according to the schedules - the flights operate on different days out/return:

- dep. BRN 13:55 - arr. AMS 15:35 Do328 Mon, Thu, Fri, Sun
- dep. AMS 16:15 - arr. BRN 17:50 Do328 Tue, Wed, Sat, Sun
This schedule means a 2 day layover at AMS??????????
Niets maar dan ook niets is zeker in de luchtvaart
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Re: NEWS - Winterschedule 2014/2015

Post by XYZ »

easyJet has announced HAM-AMS-HAM starting 3 November 2014 6x/week:

- dep. HAM 14.55 - arr. AMS 16.05 A319 Wed
- dep. HAM 19.00 - arr. AMS 20.10 A319 Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sun

- dep. AMS 16.35 - arr. HAM 17.50 A319 Wed
- dep. AMS 20.40 - arr. HAM 21.55 A319 Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sun
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Re: NEWS - Winterschedule 2014/2015

Post by XYZ »

Air Baltic has announced a new route AMS-VNO-AMS and a new schedule RIX-AMS-RIX for W14:

- BT 617 RIX 07:40 - AMS 09:05 B737 daily
- BT 615 RIX 12.45 - AMS 14.10 B737 Thu, Sat
- BT 619 RIX 16:30 - AMS 17:55 B737 daily ex. Thu, Sat

- BT 610 AMS 09.50 - VNO 13.10 B737 Mon, Tue, Thu, Sat
- BT 609 VNO 14.15 - AMS 15.40 B737 Mon, Tue, Thu, Sat

- BT 618 AMS 09.50 - RIX 13.05 B737 Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun
- BT 616 AMS 14.55 - RIX 18.10 B737 Mon, Tue, Sat
- BT 620 AMS 18:55 - RIX 22:10 B737 daily

there some inconsistency in the schedules at present.
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Re: NEWS - Winterschedule 2014/2015

Post by 76-er »

KL will end flights to Lusaka, Zambia: ... to-zambia/
Last edited by 76-er on 30 Jul 2014, 09:03, edited 1 time in total.
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