EDDL Dusseldorf 22 juli 2014

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ImageThis is the forum to share your recent aviation photos with the rest of the community, being photos not older than six months at the moment of topic opening. Theme-based topics, not about recent events, should go into the sub-forum.
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Cees van der Bent
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EDDL Dusseldorf 22 juli 2014

Post by Cees van der Bent »


Four pictures of my visit to Dusseldorf on 22 july.

Surprise for me was the Maldivian Dash. Local spotters told me this was a ferryflight to the Maldives.

I was waiting for a A320 with the full Iraqi livery. This white A330 showed up :?

Former FireFly

Also an suprise was this Cavok Antonov, to pick up an engine for an unlucky Air Berlin aircraft.


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Re: EDDL Dusseldorf 22 juli 2014

Post by EC »

Some nice catches Cees :)

perhaps a little less compression for the pictures next time.

Cees van der Bent
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Re: EDDL Dusseldorf 22 juli 2014

Post by Cees van der Bent »

EC wrote:Some nice catches Cees :)

perhaps a little less compression for the pictures next time.

Hi Eddy,

In the pictures is compression effect. You are right.

I see this every time when I upload a resized picture. But, to be honest, I don't know how to avoid it. :oops:
Before I post it in this forum, I only do a resize to a lower amount of pixels.

I am sure there is space for some improvement. :wink: So, every suggestion from someone to do this on a right way is welcome.


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Re: EDDL Dusseldorf 22 juli 2014

Post by King Fisher »

Hi Cees,

I also experienced the same problem. It drove me mad, so I solved it quite rigorously by using Flickr instead of Photobucket.
Never regretted the swap for a second!

There are however fellow forum users that don't seem to have this problematic effect.
Perhaps it is possible to solve this within Photobucket, but I couldn't find it... :?

I hope you figure it out. Good luck!
King Fisher
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Re: EDDL Dusseldorf 22 juli 2014

Post by King Fisher »

Nice shots BTW!
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