Holiday in the Eifel Germany / MIL

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Holiday in the Eifel Germany / MIL

Post by Jutter »

I spend this summer two weeks with the family in the Eifel near Buchel. I made a few trips to Ramstein, Spangdahlem, Wiesbaden and Buchel. On our way back home we made a pits stop at Norvenich.

Ramstein 31-07-2014
Not much going on this day. Local Hercules 08-8604 made a lot of approaches and 2 others returned. C-17 02 HunAF as well as a Charlston one came in. 5 or 6 departed from which only one taxied back all the way to the beginning of the run way. One C-5 took-off (luckily) with tail wind and further more an Army H-60, Atlas 747 and a local C-21 landed.
On my way back to the holiday park I stopped by Spandahlem and spotted 2 C-17's

ImageRamstein_20140731_003 by F-4 Jutter, on Flickr

ImageRamstein_20140731_006 by F-4 Jutter, on Flickr

ImageRamstein_20140731_061 by F-4 Jutter, on Flickr

Spangdahlem 01-08-2014
The next day I went to Spangdahlem again and saw 6 C-17's and 7 F-16's.

ImageSpangdahlem_20140801_004 by F-4 Jutter, on Flickr

ImageSpangdahlem_20140801_006 by F-4 Jutter, on Flickr
Spotting at the east side is getting worse as the trees are growing bigger.

Wiesbaden 05-08-2014
As usual it is very quit here, but to catch a RC-12 this is the place. One white C-12 left and another one made some approaches. The wind was cross, so they changed the landing direction twice, but because of that I caught the C-12's while taking-off. Taking picture on the field is strictly prohibited and is checked by security inside the airfield and Polizei patrolling outside. But shooting pictures in the air is OK. The RC-12 took-off north and later on, when the sun came back, a UC-35 landed. Further more quit some UH-60's on the platform.

ImageWiesbaden_20140805_006 by F-4 Jutter, on Flickr

ImageWiesbaden_20140805_012 by F-4 Jutter, on Flickr

ImageWiesbaden_20140805_019 by F-4 Jutter, on Flickr

Buchel 06-08-2014
Buchel is only 20 minutes from the holiday park, so I went for the morning mission as the sun is the best at that time. 6 Tornado's left between 10.30 and 11.30. After a long while ±2 hours they came back.

ImageBuchel_20140806_002 by F-4 Jutter, on Flickr

ImageBuchel_20140806_010 by F-4 Jutter, on Flickr
In 2012 this was the Tornado with the Arctic Tiger painting.

Norvenich 07-08-2014
On our way back home we made a stop at Norvenich. Just before we arrived UH-1D 71+65 took-off. 6 EF2000's were only 15 / 30 minutes out. After a while all 6 came back together. After the other 5 had landed, the special painted 31+06 did some low approaches and flew very low full power right over our car where my wife and daughter were waiting, awesome.

ImageNorvenich_20140807_001 by F-4 Jutter, on Flickr

ImageNorvenich_20140807_018 by F-4 Jutter, on Flickr

ImageNorvenich_20140807_020 by F-4 Jutter, on Flickr

ImageNorvenich_20140807_045 by F-4 Jutter, on Flickr
Unfortunately one big cloud with some rain blocked the sun when the Eufies returned. The only EF2000 landing with a little sun was the 31+06.
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Re: Holiday in the Eifel Germany / MIL

Post by TvanD »

Nice report! Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Holiday in the Eifel Germany / MIL

Post by King Fisher »

Great! :scramble:
In a few weeks my family and me are staying at probably the same holiday park, so now I know what to expect :mrgreen:
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Re: Holiday in the Eifel Germany / MIL

Post by herbie »

Did you watch the slow low go left side? - almost too slow, almost too low -made me shiver......

Thank you for putting in these nice photos
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Re: Holiday in the Eifel Germany / MIL

Post by CR-74050 »

Very nice report indeed!

Cheers, Dick
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Re: Holiday in the Eifel Germany / MIL

Post by De Verrekieker »

Hee Jutter. Great shots! Looks like you had a very nice holliday :wink:

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Re: Holiday in the Eifel Germany / MIL

Post by Poljot1 »

Great job Jutter
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Re: Holiday in the Eifel Germany / MIL

Post by oldschool »

I like your pictures. Thank you for sharing them. Which holidaypark did you visit?
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Re: Holiday in the Eifel Germany / MIL

Post by patrick dirksen »

Indeed a nice series, especially for a non-spotting holiday ;-)
And if you were to have only one Eufie with sun at Nörvenich, this is the best one of course....
BTW nice seeing you yesterday!

Patrick Dirksen
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Re: Holiday in the Eifel Germany / MIL

Post by Jutter »

Hi Oldschool. We were in Centerparcs Eifel. That is near the village Gunderath. Just 10 minutes north of Ulmen highway 48. But during the last 10 years we stayed at various parcs in the Eifel and Hunsruck where from all airfields are rather close.

Greetings Menno

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