Japan Air Shows 2014

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Re: Japan Air Shows 2014

Post by K2G »

orange wrote:
tomF22 wrote:What exactly is to be expected at this event: 26 Oct. JASDF Hyakuri. Military Review with B.I. ?

Is it a kind of Airshow? And if there is no access can it bee seen from outside?

There will be a static show, small airshow and flypast (latter two only if the weather is 'acceptable'). The base is not accessible for the public and roads leading to the normal spottinglocations at the fence will be blocked. Security around the base is very tight on this day. It will be possible to go to the fence after the VVIPs have left, usually late afternoon.
Viewing from the civil terminal is still possible ?
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Re: Japan Air Shows 2014

Post by Uni »

You can NOT see the air base area from the airport. But there are some places where you can see the air show.(difficult to see the A/Cs on the R/W.)
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Re: Japan Air Shows 2014

Post by Uni »

This schedule is "only my expectation" for the Iruma O.H. this year.

29 Oct.(Wed) The final rehearsal day for the dispaly flight
30 Oct.(Thu) Spare day for the rehearsal
31 Oct.(Fri) JASDF a/cs for the static display come to Iruma.
01 Nov.(Sat) B.I. rehearsal.
02 Nov.(Sun) No flight
03 Nov.(Mon, holiday, O.H. day) These A/Cs will arrive at iruma early morning.
From JMSDF Atsugi : P-1 or P-3C
From JMSDF Tateyama : SH-60J/K
From JGSDF Tachikawa : UH-1J, OH-1
From JGSDF Kisarazu : AH-1S
From JGSDF Kasumigaura : AH-64D

1. More than 220,000 people come to the Iruma O.H. every time.
2. You can NOT bring your step rudders into the base.
3. It is quite difficult to move around the apron at about 1130am-1430pm.
4. After the airshow, though there are a lot of train services, it will take 1-2 Hrs.
until you can ride on the train.
(In my case, when I leave the apron at 1600, usually I can ride on the train 1730-1745)
5. You had better to buy the "return ticket" at the station that you ride on the train.
But don't worry, you can get the single ticket at the Inariyama station(the station of the airshow
site) quite easy.
Because almost all the Japanese people have their return tickets or their payable IC-cards, so usually, there are only 5-10 people make a queue at the the ticket section.
There are many ticket sections beside the entrance gate of the station.

That's all today.

Last edited by Uni on 08 Jul 2014, 17:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Japan Air Shows 2014

Post by tailslides »

Hi Uni,

We are planning on doing the Gifu airshow but wonder when they have a practice display for the show, we may be flying home the day of the show so it might not be possible to do the flying display on the airshow day.

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Re: Japan Air Shows 2014

Post by Uni »

Usually they fly for their reharsal on Wed. or Thu..
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Re: Japan Air Shows 2014

Post by tailslides »

Thank you, planning our visit.

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Re: Japan Air Shows 2014

Post by Glastoboy »

Hi Uni,
I am planning on visiting japan from October 18th to 26th. My plan is to do the practice for the review on the Sunday and spend Monday at hyakuri as well. Do you know if the phantoms will be operating as normal that week or is there limited flying. If there is limited flying when does that usually start. Can you also let me know when the static aircraft for the review usually arrive.

Thank you
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Re: Japan Air Shows 2014

Post by Uni »

About the Military revew at JASDF Hyakuri, my own expectation.

17 Oct.(F) a/cs for the static display will arrive.
18 Oct.(S) B.I. rehearsal flt. in the morning. No other flights.
19 Oct.(S) Rehearsal day(only the invitee can enter),
Fly-bys will start around 1030am. and the B.I. will start 1130-
No display flight in the afternoon.
a/c s of the static display will RTB around 1500-1700.
20 Oct.(M) Holiday of the base.
21-23 Oct. Normal mission day, but less flights than usual.
24 Oct.(F) a/cs for the static display will arrive.
25 Oct.(S) B.I. rehearsal flt. in the morning. No other flights.
The traffic control starts from 1700 to 1500, Oct.26.
26 Oct.(S) The Military Review day
Fly-bys will start around 1030am. and the B.I. will start 1130-
No display flight in the afternoon.
a/c s of the static display will RTB around 1500-1700.
a/c s of the static display will RTB around 1500-1700.
27 Oct.(M) Holiday of the base. No flight.
28-31 Oct. Normal mission day, but less flights than usual.
(I think there will be no flight on Tuesday.)

Please check and get the latest NOTAMs from the HP of the AIS Japan.
(The 4 letter code of the Hyakuri is "RJAH")

That's all today.
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Re: Japan Air Shows 2014

Post by Uni »

Rehearsal flight over Hyakuri.

They will have rehearsal flight with 20*T-4s, make the "60" number formation.
Date: 2 days during 4 Aug. to 8 Aug..
Time: 0900-1100 or 1500-1700.
Frequency: 1-6 times in one day.

They also have another rehearsal plan to do in early September.

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Re: Japan Air Shows 2014

Post by bstil »

Hi Uni,

I have a question specifically on 17Oct for Hyakuri.
You mentioned that the aircraft will arrive for the static; is there any normal flying going on that day as well?

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Re: Japan Air Shows 2014

Post by Uni »

One fighter squadron usually has 3 training periods in one week day from 0800am to 1700pm in JASDF.
And somtimes has "night" training at the 4th period(1700pm or later).

Well, I think 302sqn. and 305sqn. will have one training flight at least on 17 Oct. in the morning.
(It depends on the Squadron Leader.)

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Re: Japan Air Shows 2014

Post by redcan »

Hi Uni,

Is the open day at Yokota still going on, September 6th and 7th?

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Re: Japan Air Shows 2014

Post by Uni »

Yes. they will open their base on 6-7 Sep..
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Re: Japan Air Shows 2014

Post by Uni »

JMSDF Tateyama and JGSDF Yao have chaged the openhouse date.
New dates are;
05 Oct. JMSDF Tateyama
16 Nov. JGSDF Yao

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Re: Japan Air Shows 2014

Post by Uni »

To whom planning to go to JGSDF Kisarazu and JMSDF Tateyama on 5th Oct..
It is possible to go to both openhouses.

<JGSDF Kisarazu events>
Open: 0830-1600.
Flights: 0930-1200, formation, solo, rescue or combat-demo.
by CH-47J/JA, AH-1S, AH-64D, OH-1, OH-6D, LR-1/2, EC225
      Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_J5rKJcbVo
Experience rides: by CH-47JA, 1200-1500, high frequency.
Static: CH-47J/JA, AH-1S, AH-64D, OH-1, OH-6D, LR-1/2, EC225, C-1 or U-125,
and some helicopters.
The visitors come early morning and leave around 1500pm.
      Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6U9wmRqcS-8
Rehersal: They will do it by Thursday.
Saturday: No flight.
Monday : No flight.

<JMSDF Tateyama>
Open: 0900-1600
Flights: 1100-1200, formation, solo, rescue-demo.
by SH-60J/K and UH-60J. Sometimes CH-47J/JA , AH-1S and/or P-3C make flights.
Experience rides: by UH-60J or SH-60J/K, 1200-1500, high frequency.
Static: SH-60J/K, UH-60J, CH-47J/JA, AH-1S, and some helicopters.
The visitors come early morning and leave around 1500pm.
Rehersal: They will do it by Thursday.
Saturday: No flight.
Monday : No flight.
      Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbvjLVswIAI

<Route by common transportation>
JR Tokyo 0655-(Express bus, 1,350 JPY)-0754 JR Kisarazu Station(=Sta.)
JR Kisarazu Sta. 0800-(shuttle bus,180 JPY)-0830(*) JGSDF Kisarazu
Base Dep. 1100/1150-(shuttle bus 180 JPY)-1130/1230 (*)JR Kisarazu Sta.
* The arrival times are changable due to the traffic jams.
JR Kisarazu Sta. 1147/1242-(Local train, 970 JPY)- 1258/1355 JR Tateyama Sta.
JR Tateyama Sta. 1320/1420-(Local bus, about 300 JPY) -1332/1432 (*)Tateyama Kokutai
(The bus stop "Tateyama Kokutai" means "Tateyama flight Sqn." and locate in front of the base gate, also the Terminal of the bus.)
* It will take about 40min. by walk. It will cost about 1,000 JPY by taxi.

<Return Route>
JMSDF Tateyama 1548/1648- (bus) -1600/1700 JR Tateyama Sta.
JR Tateyama Sta. 1615-(Express bus, 2,670 JPY)-1812 JR Shinjuku Sta.
1630/1700/1730-(Express bus, 2,500 JPY)-1826/1846/1926 JR Tokyo
1620/1720/1750-(Express bus, 1,550 JPY)-1800/1900/1930 JR Chiba

<Kisarazu to Tateyama by car>
You should leave Kisarazu during the helicopter demonstration.
(usually it ends at 12:00, so the time is around 11:15-11:30am.)
After the demo-flight, a lot of people and cars are rushed to the exit gate.
Usually it takes 0.75-1.5 hrs. from the car park area to the exit gate.

It will take about 1 hr. from JGSDF Kisarazu to JMSDF Tateyama by exp. way.
There will be no traffic jams around the JMSDF Tateyama(It is indeed small and local airshow).
There is enough car parking area inside the base.


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