Buochs (Stans) (LSMU) - 2014 MIL

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Re: Buochs (Stans) (LSMU) - 2014 MIL

Post by pilatusmk7 »

Seen at Stans, 25th September, at Stans:
- PC 7 Mk II for IAF
sn 741, P 152 (HB-HDZ), outside for pre-flight tests
sn 740, P 151 (HB-HDY)
sn 739, P 150 (HB-HDX), also seen, both with underwing-tanks
- PC 21 for RSAF
sn 171, 917 (HB-HWQ), flying
sn 170, 916 (HB-HWP), outside for pre-flight tests
- PC 21 for Qatar
sn 214, QA 354 (HB-HVE), flight test with underwing-tanks
- PC 12 NG
sn 1500, HB-FSV, flying
sn 1486, HB-FSH, flying
sn 545, HB-FPT, flying
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Re: Buochs (Stans) (LSMU) - 2014 MIL

Post by falcx »

Logged on Monday, October 6th were;

911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 920, 2207
All RSaudi AF PC-21's noted in the wooden hall.

RSaudi AF on the final production line.

916/ HB-HWP, 917/ HB-HWQ, 918/HB-HWR
Test/training flights

QA 350(HVA), QA 351(HVB), QA 352(HVC), QA 355(HVF), QA 356(HVG), QA 357 & QA 358.
All Qatar Emiri Air Force noted in the wooden hall.

QA 359
Qatar Emiri Air Force on the final production line.

P150(HDX), P151(HDY), P152(HDZ), P154 & P155(cn 744)
All Indian AF PC-7 MK.II noted in the wooden hall.

P153(cn 742, HB-HLA), (P 159) cn 748 noted in Hangar 1

430 (+1)
Royal Air Force of Oman PC-9 around the maintenance hangar (10).

Finnish AF PC-12 in the maintenance hangar.

Thanks for the company Stephan and Peter.

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Re: Buochs (Stans) (LSMU) - 2014 MIL

Post by jreijmer »

And today another pair for the Saudi Air Force on delivery:
9:00 HBHWL PCH66F PC21 Bari Palese (Italy)
9:10 HBHWK PCH65A PC21 Bari Palese (Italy)

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Re: Buochs (Stans) (LSMU) - 2014 MIL

Post by Hans van Herk »

Already an idea on the test registrations used on the Indian Air Force PC-7s from P153 and further?
P152 is HB-HDZ, so I assume the HB-HEx series will be used?

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Re: Buochs (Stans) (LSMU) - 2014 MIL

Post by falcx »

Hans van Herk wrote:Already an idea on the test registrations used on the Indian Air Force PC-7s from P153 and further?
P152 is HB-HDZ, so I assume the HB-HEx series will be used?

Hans van Herk
See my latest log Hans. P 153 was noted with test registration HB-HLA 8)

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Re: Buochs (Stans) (LSMU) - 2014 MIL

Post by Hans van Herk »

Just overlooked that in your message.

Thanks a lot.
Hans van Herk

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Re: Buochs (Stans) (LSMU) - 2014 MIL

Post by pilatusmk7 »

Newest Indian Aircraft in the wooden hall are:
- 743, P 154 (HB-HLB)
- 744, P 155 (HB-HLC)
Regards, Stephan Widmer
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Re: Buochs (Stans) (LSMU) - 2014 MIL

Post by Vermeer »

Noted on 28-10-2014:

In and outside hangar 10 an Argentina Gendarmeria PC-6 was noted with the same serial, the GN-807. The one outside was checked on a plate that was on the rightside of the plane. The one inside was read on the wings and tail (photoproof).

In the hangar were also 2 full colour Oman PC-9s within between these 2 a PC-7Mk.II fuselage marked in the tail (on paper) with Modular 154.

A complete LOG will follow a.s.a.p.


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Re: Buochs (Stans) (LSMU) - 2014 MIL

Post by Vermeer »

LOG 28-10-2014

Wooden hangar
PC-12 HB-FQA c/n 1505
PC-12 HB-FSA c/n 1486
PC-12 HB-FSY c/n 1503
PC-12 HB-FVD c/n 1072
PC-12 HB-FVX c/n 1461
PC-12 …. c/n 1508
PC-12 …. c/n 1509 primer c/s
PC-12 …. c/n 1510 white c/s

PC-7-NC A-925/4

PC-7Mk.II P154 HB-HLB c/n 743
PC-7Mk.II P155
PC-7Mk.II P156

PC-21 913 HB-HVM
PC-21 914
PC-21 915 HB-HWU
PC-21 916
PC-21 917
PC-21 918
PC-21 919 HB-HWS
PC-21 920 HB-HWT
PC-21 2208

PC-21 QA350 HB-HVA c/n 210
PC-21 QA351 HB-HVB c/n 211
PC-21 QA352
PC-21 QA357
PC-21 QA358 HB-HVI
PC-21 QA359

PC-12 production hall
PC-12 c/n 1512 (on paper)
PC-12 c/n 1514 (on paper) plus 4 others
PC-7Mk.II c/n 748 (on paper)

Assembly hall
PC-21 2209 c/n 185 (c/n on paper)
PC-21 QA3?? (probably the 360?). No nosewheel door attached
PC-21 c/n 188 (c/n on blue paper)

Inside Hall 10
PC-6 GN-807 Argentina Gendarmeria, full c/s
PC-6 c/n 925 on paper on fuselage
The following c/n’s were read on paper on crates or on a scaffold, 996, 997, 998 and 724 (this last one should become HC-BJS)
PC-9M 430 c/n 647 Oman full c/s (serial and c/n only read on paper)
PC-9M c/n 654 Oman full c/s (c/n only read on paper)
PC-9M Modular 154 (ex PC-7Mk.II fuselage)
PC-12 HB-FOG (serial read on paper)
PC-12 HB-FWH (serial read on paper)

Outside Hall 10
PC-6 GN-807 Argentina Gendarmeria. Stored next to hangar
PC-12 M-ICKY c/n 508

PC-7Mk.II Modular 155
PC-7MK.II Modular 156


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Re: Buochs (Stans) (LSMU) - 2014 MIL

Post by jreijmer »

Vermeer wrote:LOG 28-10-2014

Wooden hangar
PC-9M c/n 654 Oman full c/s (c/n only read on paper)
Interesting. This is the first sighting of this a/c at Pilatus for rework.
Vermeer wrote:PC-9M Modular 154 (ex PC-7Mk.II fuselage)
Was this a complete fuselage or just a part of it?
Vermeer wrote:Outside Hall 10
PC-6 GN-807 Argentina Gendarmeria. Stored next to hangar
Strange that a total new a/c has been built using the same serial.

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Re: Buochs (Stans) (LSMU) - 2014 MIL

Post by Vermeer »

Was this a complete fuselage or just a part of it?
As far we could see a complete fuselage. According an employee only a part of the fuselage is used to repair the Oman PC-9's but the aircraft we saw was also with the tailsection!

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Re: Buochs (Stans) (LSMU) - 2014 MIL

Post by EvD »

Also, its engine was already mounted and there was a card on it stating 'PC-9(M) triebwerk'. To me this is quite solid proof that they use PC-7-II fuselages for this programme!
Vermeer wrote:
Was this a complete fuselage or just a part of it?
As far we could see a complete fuselage. According an employee only a part of the fuselage is used to repair the Oman PC-9's but the aircraft we saw was also with the tailsection!

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Re: Buochs (Stans) (LSMU) - 2014 MIL

Post by EvD »

Not if you want to let your Insurance pay for the 'refurbishment' of the GN-807 :wink:
Vermeer wrote:Outside Hall 10
PC-6 GN-807 Argentina Gendarmeria. Stored next to hangar
jreijmer wrote:Strange that a total new a/c has been built using the same serial.

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Re: Buochs (Stans) (LSMU) - 2014 MIL

Post by s_b extra »

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Re: Buochs (Stans) (LSMU) - 2014 MIL

Post by jreijmer »

This morning another pair for the Indian Air Force on delivery:
HB-HDZ PCH41A PC7MkII Bari Palese (Italy)
HB-HLA PCH42W PC7MkII Bari Palese (Italy)

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