Spottersday 20 May 2015 exercise THPU - Beauvechain

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Re: Spottersday 20 May 2015 exercise THPU - Beauvechain

Post by frank kramer »

No, if I remember correctly it is the first gate on the left after turning left at the traffic lights after passing the landing lights to the southwest of the field (near the fire-brigade and the tower)
Frank Kramer

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Re: Spottersday 20 May 2015 exercise THPU - Beauvechain

Post by patrick dirksen »

It's at 50 44 30 N, 4 46 02 E.

Patrick Dirksen
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Re: Spottersday 20 May 2015 exercise THPU - Beauvechain

Post by jeroenvv »

This is the info I got:
SPOTTERSDAY – 20 May 2015

Where (new address):

1 Wing - Post 3
Chaussée de Wavre – 1315 INCOURT
GPS info: N 50°44,495 E 004°46,036

Your entry pass will be available there.
Shuttles will bring you to the base.

10:00 – 16:00

* Static show with participants from
Belgium (A109BA, NH90TTH, NH90NFH,MD-900, Seaking, Al III, Alpha-Jet, Marchetti, F-16)
France (Gazelle, EC120, Puma),
Czech Republic (MI17, MI24)
The Netherlands (Al III)
Germany (UH1 D)

* Departures and landings of all participants on their daily missions

* Demonstration NH90TTH with hoisting, underslung loads, fast roping technique

* Demonstration A109 Demo Team (without flares)

Food & beverages:
At reasonable prices.
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Re: Spottersday 20 May 2015 exercise THPU - Beauvechain

Post by frank kramer »

In short: my description fits Patrick's and Jeroen's coordinates, although when I enter Jeroen's coordinates in google maps I end up somewhere near Gosselies for some reason :?
Frank Kramer

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Re: Spottersday 20 May 2015 exercise THPU - Beauvechain

Post by jeroenvv »

That's the GPS info that I got from THPU organisation. When entered correct, the coordinates will show you the center of the base (not very useful). They somehow don't work in Google Maps though. Just keep the Chaussée de Wavre road as a destination, I'm sure someone there will help you, or that you meet other people going in the same direction :wink:
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Re: Spottersday 20 May 2015 exercise THPU - Beauvechain

Post by Goldenflyer »

Tigerspoon wrote:
Goldenflyer wrote:The gates will Open at 8:00!

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Would be nice if anyone can confirm this!! Thx
Because i send them an email.... :|

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Re: Spottersday 20 May 2015 exercise THPU - Beauvechain

Post by warbird_nl »

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Re: Spottersday 20 May 2015 exercise THPU - Beauvechain

Post by arrecoos »

Just got a reply from Beauvechain: gate open at 0800h, 1000h start spottersday. (Literally they say: 1000h: start photography).

Hope this helps,


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Re: Spottersday 20 May 2015 exercise THPU - Beauvechain

Post by jeroenvv »

Official update:
This only for the people participating the THPU Spottersday!
Dear Aviation friends, dear THPU Spottersday visitors!
The THPU Spottersday and activities (in the THPU zone) will start as from 10hr00 but the base will open the parkingfacilities as from 08hr00 in order to prevent traffic jam!
Entrance on base will be GATE 3, Chaussée de Wavre - 1320 Beauvechain, and then follow the C7 markers!
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Re: Spottersday 20 May 2015 exercise THPU - Beauvechain

Post by patrick dirksen »

Just keep the Chaussée de Wavre road as a destination, I'm sure someone there will help you, or that you meet other people going in the same direction
Or use my coordinates, as they get you exactly at the gate.... :wink:

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Re: Spottersday 20 May 2015 exercise THPU - Beauvechain

Post by g-spot »

Expect traffic jams around 08 am or earlier, and since there is nothing till 10 am, better to not come to early.
I will do some recce, and if too crowded I'll head back for breakfast first. :wink:
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Re: Spottersday 20 May 2015 exercise THPU - Beauvechain

Post by Nielis »

Does anybody have a complete log from today?

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Re: Spottersday 20 May 2015 exercise THPU - Beauvechain

Post by geert »

73+60 UH-1
73+43 UH-1
RN-03 NH90
1123/DCJ Puma
1232/DBA Puma
3996/GAW Gazelle
????/GJK Gazelle
M-1 Allouette III
7354 Mi24
7353 Mi24 Tiger colors
9926 Mi17
RS-04 Seaking
H41 A109 in building
H26 A109 in building
FA-123 F-16AM Demo
LB-03 Super Cub
AT08 Alpha Jet
ST-30 Marchetti
ST-32 Marchetti flying
ST-25 Marchetti flying
H24 A109 Demo
ST-23 Marchetti Red Devils
ST-27 Marchetti Red Devils
ST-15 Marchetti Red Devils
RN-05 NH-90 IOC Demo
RN-06 NH-90 IOC Demo
H33 A109
H21 A109
H40 A109
A28 A109
RN-08 NH90

This is all i've seen after ariving at 12.30....

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Re: Spottersday 20 May 2015 exercise THPU - Beauvechain

Post by Sleegertje »

Beauvechain 15-05-2015 THPU

Entrance Hangar:
G.103A PL95
G.103A PL96
L-21B LB05 Outside this hangar

L-21B LB03
SF-260M ST30
Alpha Jet AT08
F-16AM FA123 Displayed, put on this static and departed later on

UH-1D 73+43
UH-1D 73+60
SA-342M 3857 / GJK
SA-342M 3996 / GAW
SA-330B 1123 / DCJ
SA-330B 1232 / DBA
Alouette 3 M1

Small platform near the NH-90’s
Mi-171sh 9926
Mi-24V 7353
Mi-24V 7354

NH-90 Platform

NH-90 Hangar
NH-90NFH (RN01)
NH-90TTH (RN07)

A-109 Platforms
A-109BA H21 Also flying
A-109BA H22 Also flying
A-109BA H24 Flew also a demo
A-109BA H29
A-109BA H33
A-109BA H35
A-109BA H38
A-109BA H40

A-109 maintenance hangar:
A-109BA H20
A-109BA H28
A-109BA H36

Platform behind the A-109 Hangar
Seaking RS04

Hanger next to the Seaking
A-109BA H26
A-109BA H41

A-109BA H30

SF-260’s flying
SF-260M ST06
SF-260M ST12
SF-260M ST15 Red Devils
SF-260M ST23 Red Devils
SF-260M ST24
SF-260M ST25
SF-260M ST26
SF-260M ST27 Red Devils
SF-260M ST31
SF-260M ST32
SF-260D ST40
SF-260D ST41
SF-260D ST42
SF-260D ST43
SF-260D ST44
SF-260D ST45
SF-260D ST47
There where more SF-260’s on the platform so if anybody has more serials please reply.

Rene Sleegers
Michel Niesten
Last edited by Sleegertje on 21 May 2015, 18:12, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Spottersday 20 May 2015 exercise THPU - Beauvechain

Post by K-9 »

Sleegertje wrote:Beauvechain 15-05-2015 THPU

Entrance Hangar:
G.103A PL95
G.103A PL96
L-21B LB05 Outside this hangar

L-21B LB03
SF-260M ST30
Alpha Jet AT08
F-16AM FA123 Displayed, put on this static and departed later on

UH-1D 73+43
UH-1D 73+60
SA-342M 3857 / GJK
SA-342M 3996 / GAW
SA-330B 1123 / DCJ
SA-330B 1232 / DBA
Alouette 3 M1

Small platform near the NH-90’s
Mi-171sh 9926
Mi-24V 7353
Mi-24V 7354

NH-90 Platform

NH-90 Hangar
NH-90NFH ????
NH-90TTH (RN07)

A-109 Platforms
A-109BA H21 Also flying
A-109BA H22 Also flying
A-109BA H24 Flew also a demo
A-109BA H29
A-109BA H33
A-109BA H35
A-109BA H38
A-109BA H40

A-109 maintenance hangar:
A-109BA H20
A-109BA H28
A-109BA H36

Platform behind the A-109 Hangar
Seaking RS04

Hanger next to the Seaking
A-109BA H25
A-109BA H41

A-109BA H30

SF-260’s flying
SF-260M ST08
SF-260M ST15 Red Devils
SF-260M ST23 Red Devils
SF-260M ST25
SF-260M ST26
SF-260M ST27 Red Devils
SF-260M ST32
SF-260D ST40
SF-260D ST47
There where more SF-260’s on the platform so if anybody has more serials please reply.

Rene Sleegers
Michel Niesten

In addition to mr. Sleegers log, the following SF-260's were noted active too ;


Regards, Rene
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