KLu 314 sqn

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dick loh vervallen
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KLu 314 sqn

Post by dick loh vervallen »

I started my working life with the Koninklijke Luchtmacht (KLu – Royal Netherlands Air Force) as a crewchief with 316 sqn on the NF-5 at Eindhoven air base late 1988. For my work I frequently handled 314 sqn NF-5’s and later F-16’s and therefor in the right place to photograph them (see watermark in left hand lower corner). As a former home of the 314 sqn “Redskins” herewith a selection of slide scans of this unit from my collection.

Created in 1952 at Eindhoven the 314 squadron flew the F-84G Thunderjet. At the moment of the introduction of the NF-5 the squadron was part of the NATO Allied Mobile Force and operated Republic F-84F Thunderstreak since 1956. The arrival of the NF-5 started the withdrawal of the F-84F with a last flight of this Republic product on 21 December 1970. The squadron operated the NF-5’s until May 1990. At first from Eindhoven but in 1988 the squadron moved to Gilze Rijen. Like the Twenthe squadrons the NF-5 was succeeded by the General Dynamics F-16. Due to the defense cutbacks the 314 squadron was officially disbanded on 1 January 1996.

1. Presumably taken at Kastrup on the way to or from Norway in the late sixties.
2. The crewchief of the P-205 is posing in “his” F-84F.
3. F-84F P-263 at Eindhoven.
4. cockpit section of the P-263.
5. An open week was held at Soesterberg in July 1968 were this P-220 was photographed on 5 July.
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KLu 314 sqn

Post by dick loh vervallen »

6. NF-5A K-3015 at Husum in March 1974.
7. The K-3044 landing at the old runway in June 1974. Due to noice complaints of the citizens of Eindhoven the runway was altered in 1984.
8. NF-5B K-4017 moments before touchdown at runway 24 at Twenthe on 1 October 1981.
9. The K-3021 at the Pferdsfeld open day on 7 July 1984. The 314 sqn performed the NF-5 Solo display starting 21st October 1982 to 1985 using NF5A’s K-3021 and K-3026.
10. The K-3055 in the two tone grey camo at Eindhoven in May 1990.
11. NF-5B K-4014 parked at the platform in front of shelter 524 at Eindhoven in August 1990.
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dick loh vervallen
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KLu 314 sqn

Post by dick loh vervallen »

12. NF-5A K-3058 in the F-16 c/s on the flightline in front of Hangar 310 at Gilze Rijen in August 1989.
13. With the old Eindhoven tower in the background the K-3021 is parked on the flightline next to Hangar A in May 1989.
14. NF-5A K-3014 of the “Double Dutch” demo team parked at the static of the open day at Schleswig-Jagel on 12 June 1988.
15. Last 314 sqn NF-5A in its original camo was K-3024. (Eindhoven April 1990).
16. Long time dual of 314 sqn was K-4009, seen at Eindhoven in May 1990.
17. On 9 May 1990 NF-5A’s K-3052, K-3062 (in special red c/s with mascot "Humphrey" on the tail) and a NF-5B overflew several Dutch bases on the last day of the NF-5 with 314 squadron.
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dick loh vervallen
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KLu 314 sqn

Post by dick loh vervallen »

18. After delivery the F-16’s first flew with tone-down markings like F-16A J-146 in front of shelter 519 at Gilze Rijen in July 1992.
19. Next to the J-145, here at platform 524 at Eindhoven in September 1992 the J-206 was also painted for the 40 year anniversary.
20. F-16A J-144 at Goose Bay in June 1995.
21. For the disbandment of 314 sqn F-16B J-210 was painted. (Gilze Rijen, August 1995)
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Re: KLu 314 sqn

Post by PilotoRico »

Great shots Dick... I love those colour F-84F photos. Well done.
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Re: KLu 314 sqn

Post by bob fischer »

Hi Dick, Some of the pictures look quote familiar to me, i happened to be at the same spot.
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Re: KLu 314 sqn

Post by Stephan Lodewijks »

Super nice report!! I particularly like the old Eindhoven pics!
Dick Lohuis wrote:13. With the old Eindhoven tower in the background the K-3021 is parked on the flightline next to Hangar A in May 1989.
Actually the flightline is next to hangar B. Hangar A is a little to the East. It didn't have a flightline, only a hardened entry and exit road that was only used to tow jets to and from the hangar.

- Hangar A still exists today, albeit literally merged with newer suburban infrastructure, like a school for kids, a bar establishment and a fitness school. If you are strong enough you can still partly close the eastern hangar doors by hand. :-)
- Also, the old tower still exists today. However, in between hundreds of houses it is not the iconic landmark that it was in the old airbase days...

Hope to see more of the F-5 era, really nice topic!


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Re: KLu 314 sqn

Post by Zim-pix »

"1. Presumably taken at Kastrup on the way to or from Norway in the late sixties."

That is from Karup.


dick loh vervallen
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Re: KLu 314 sqn

Post by dick loh vervallen »

Thanks Kim for pointing out that it was Karup.

Stephan Lodewijks wrote:Super nice report!! I particularly like the old Eindhoven pics!
Dick Lohuis wrote:13. With the old Eindhoven tower in the background the K-3021 is parked on the flightline next to Hangar A in May 1989.
Actually the flightline is next to hangar B. Hangar A is a little to the East. It didn't have a flightline, only a hardened entry and exit road that was only used to tow jets to and from the hangar.

You are absolute right Stephan that it was in front of Hangar B.
Here is another shot from that aerea. The K-3036 in March 1989.
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Re: KLu 314 sqn

Post by Polecat »

Nice pics Dick, and good memories of one of the coolest planes in KLu-service... About time the KLU Historical flight gets an NF-5...
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Re: KLu 314 sqn

Post by BennoT6 »


Small typo in these great memories. "12" in the December 24 topic, that's hangar 410, not 310.

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Re: KLu 314 sqn

Post by maurits »

Great shots Dick!
kind regards,

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Re: KLu 314 sqn

Post by Pauljos2001 »

Geweldig Dick, wat een series. Bedankt.
Heel toevallig heb ik voorbije zaterdag het boek "314 squadron, zie ze vliegen" kado gekregen.
25 jarig 314 jubileum in 1977!!
Ga door zou ik zeggen, volgens mij heb jij nog wel heteenenander in de kast liggen........
regards, P.
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Re: KLu 314 sqn

Post by Pauljos2001 »

Geweldig Dick, wat een series. Bedankt.
Heel toevallig heb ik voorbije zaterdag het boek "314 squadron, zie ze vliegen" kado gekregen.
25 jarig 314 jubileum in 1977!!
Ga door zou ik zeggen, volgens mij heb jij nog wel heteenenander in de kast liggen........
regards, P.
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