MIL - Danish Airshow 2016 - Skrydstrup

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MIL - Danish Airshow 2016 - Skrydstrup

Post by flh1960 »


Some photos from a chilling and windy overcast weekend in Skrydstrup

ImageSkrydstrup16_0644 by Flemming Hansen, on Flickr
Very funny and agile Fokker dreidekker. Could turn on a plat and land on a piece of paper!/b]

ImageSkrydstrup16_1176ec by Flemming Hansen, on Flickr
A usually weathered Greek F-16!

ImageSkrydstrup16_3264c by Flemming Hansen, on Flickr
Polish MiG-29. Super show.

ImageSkrydstrup16_1667 by Flemming Hansen, on Flickr
Spotting spotters

ImageSkrydstrup16_2373 by Flemming Hansen, on Flickr
Boys with new toys...

ImageSkrydstrup16_0769 by Flemming Hansen, on Flickr
SU-27 Ukrainian Flanker delivered a fantastic show.

ImageSkrydstrup16_2150 by Flemming Hansen, on Flickr
Danish F-16 with special tail from a Facebook competition.

ImageSkrydstrup16_2785ec by Flemming Hansen, on Flickr

ImageSkrydstrup16_0139 by Flemming Hansen, on Flickr
Very nice newly restored F-100

ImageSkrydstrup16_0092 by Flemming Hansen, on Flickr
New Danish Seahawk

ImageSkrydstrup16_2535 by Flemming Hansen, on Flickr
Turkish Stars

ImageSkrydstrup16_3102 by Flemming Hansen, on Flickr
Team Aquila

ImageSkrydstrup16_2979 by Flemming Hansen, on Flickr

ImageSkrydstrup16_0028 by Flemming Hansen, on Flickr
Alien in Hind disguise

ImageSkrydstrup16_3575 by Flemming Hansen, on Flickr
Great flyby...

See more on my Flickr account: ... 0652/page1

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Re: MIL - Danish Airshow 2016 - Skrydstrup

Post by piet3inab »

A few of my shots. Difficult conditions because of the direct backlight.

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Re: MIL - Danish Airshow 2016 - Skrydstrup

Post by Kuine »

Very nice pictures!
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Re: MIL - Danish Airshow 2016 - Skrydstrup

Post by Pembroke »

I like the Seahawk much more than the Merlin !
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Re: MIL - Danish Airshow 2016 - Skrydstrup

Post by Thermal »

Nice collections of photo's. Too bad we did not see that Flanker and the Greeks in Leeuwarden.

And a B-52 fly by??? :shock:
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Re: MIL - Danish Airshow 2016 - Skrydstrup

Post by flh1960 »

Thermal wrote: And a B-52 fly by??? :shock:
Yep a - no correction - three flybys! It came - made the bomber pattern - and came by three times! Great stuff -and great sound.

I don't know for sure - but maybe - just maybe - it could be coupled with the fact that Denmark had just signed a deal for 27 F-35 Lightning II fighters...?

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Re: MIL - Danish Airshow 2016 - Skrydstrup

Post by Macc »

flh1960 wrote:
Thermal wrote: And a B-52 fly by??? :shock:
Yep a - no correction - three flybys! It came - made the bomber pattern - and came by three times! Great stuff -and great sound.

I don't know for sure - but maybe - just maybe - it could be coupled with the fact that Denmark had just signed a deal for 27 F-35 Lightning II fighters...?

Best regards

They're currently deployed at RAF Fairford which is one of the main reasons for the flyby. :)
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